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+++ title = "about this website" +++ This website was first uploaded on 21 February 2024.

The site is built with zola (a static site generator built in rust) and hosted by gitlab pages; everything is cobbled together in VSCodium. The current layout is heavily inspired by the 2-column iframe layouts of the 90's/early 00's, but done with responsive css (and a smidge of javascript) thanks to this tutorial from W3Schools.

This place would not exist without the help of my good friends lucidiot and egg, both of whom helped me a lot with coding, troubleshooting, and proofreading. (thank you both sincerely from the bottom of my heart, you are indispensable homies and I am eternally grateful!)

The site buttons were made by me in paint.NET. The sidebar tile backgrounds I found in an image search for tiled bgs (which I then edited heavily) and I unfortunately do not know who originally made them; if you do, please contact me so I can give credit! The sidebar image for the sakura theme is from zeud.

Some photo editing (brushes, blurring, filters) is done on my phone with either Line Camera or Bestie Camera (also available on android). Much of the pixel art is snagged from various oldweb uploaders on tumblr. The peach bullet is from king lulu deer on deviantart, and the sakura bullet is by acryllia. My counter is from fc2.

The last.fm now playing script on my now page is by @biancarosa/lastfm-last-played. Current mood is powered by imood, and status at the top of the now page is powered by status.cafe.

The fonts used on this website are Hezaedrus by Hubert & Fischer; Hylie and Obliviate by createshaa; Firstly by stormyseas, and Doki Doki Mono by diefonk.

Various icons (rss, theme toggle, up & back arrows) are from phosphor.

Code syntax highlighting theme is fairyfloss by sailorhg.

Tested in Firefox on Windows 10 (I know, gross) and also on Firefox Mobile for iOS.

if you'd like to link to me, I've provided the following buttons! if you do, let me know so I can return the favor!

peach moon 50x50 button
peach moon 80x15 button
peach moon button static peach moon button static peach moon button animated peach moon button animated


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