diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml index efd3d30..949b05c 100644 --- a/_config.yml +++ b/_config.yml @@ -1,17 +1,8 @@ -# Welcome to Jekyll! -# # This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values # which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find # yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files # feature for the data you need to update frequently. # -# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use -# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process. -# -# If you need help with YAML syntax, here are some quick references for you: -# https://learn-the-web.algonquindesign.ca/topics/markdown-yaml-cheat-sheet/#yaml -# https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/ -# # Site settings # These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files, # you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on. @@ -38,17 +29,9 @@ plugins: - jekyll/tagging - jekyll-toc - jekyll-loading-lazy -# - jemoji-plus - -# reminder to add -# before_script: -# - gem install bundler -# - bundle install -# to the .gitlab-ci.yml -# if you ever add more plugins!! feed: - posts_limit: 50 + posts_limit: 20 last-modified-at: date-format: '%Y.%m.%d' @@ -77,10 +60,6 @@ collections: feed: path: /atom.xml -# emoji_plus: -# host: 'https://peachmoon.moe' -# path: '/img/emoji/' - # Exclude from processing. # The following items will not be processed, by default. # Any item listed under the `exclude:` key here will be automatically added to diff --git a/_data/emoji.yml b/_data/emoji.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..142efce --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/emoji.yml @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +- imgurl: "pacahop.gif" + shortcode: "pacahop" +- imgurl: "amefuri.gif" + shortcode: "amefuri" +- imgurl: "angery.gif" + 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+- imgurl: "uweh.gif" + shortcode: "uweh" +- imgurl: "kya.gif" + shortcode: "kya" +- imgurl: "owo.gif" + shortcode: "owo" +- imgurl: "nuu.gif" + shortcode: "nuu" +- imgurl: "kekw.gif" + shortcode: "kekw" +- imgurl: "pist.gif" + shortcode: "pist" +#- imgurl: "" +# shortcode: "" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_data/frens.yaml b/_data/frens.yaml index 258cf1d..7b2a0ae 100644 --- a/_data/frens.yaml +++ b/_data/frens.yaml @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ - imgurl: "ydreniv.png" link: "https://tilde.town/~ydreniv/" alt: "~ydreniv" - +- imgurl: "ellietime.png" + link: "https://authenticweirdgirl.neocities.org/" + alt: "ellie time" # this space intentionally left blank #- imgurl: "" #link: "" diff --git a/_data/jpop.yaml b/_data/jpop.yaml index b4d7333..f9accc3 100644 --- a/_data/jpop.yaml +++ b/_data/jpop.yaml @@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ - imgurl: "papimuzu.png" link: "" alt: "papipupepo wa muzukashii" +- imgurl: "pinponpanpon.png" + link: "#pppp" + alt: "pinponpanpon" - imgurl: "starfiorenerd.png" link: "" alt: "star fiorenerd" diff --git a/_data/link-button.yaml b/_data/link-button.yaml index b8dac2a..cb4c7ce 100644 --- a/_data/link-button.yaml +++ b/_data/link-button.yaml @@ -139,6 +139,30 @@ - imgurl: "cyberpeach.png" link: "https://cyberpeach.net/" alt: "cyber♡peach" +- imgurl: "nomnomnami.gif" + link: "https://nomnomnami.com/" + alt: "nom nom nami" +- imgurl: "elysia.png" + link: "https://le.alphamethyl.barr0w.net/~elysia/" + alt: "elysia" +- imgurl: "cherie.gif" + link: "https://cherie.nekoweb.org/" + alt: "cherie" +- imgurl: "nelleobserver.gif" + link: "https://nelle.observer/" + alt: "nelle.observer" +- imgurl: "disarray.png" + link: "https://disarray.sh/" + alt: "disarray" +- imgurl: "ako.png" + link: "https://catgirl.homes/~ako/" + alt: "ako" +- imgurl: "mesoscale.gif" + link: "https://mesoscale.neocities.org/" + alt: "mesoscale" +- imgurl: "burypink.png" + link: "https://burypink.neocities.org/" + alt: "clam hanson" # this space intentionally left blank #- imgurl: "" diff --git a/_data/quiz.yml b/_data/quiz.yml index 04b52f0..b8579cc 100644 --- a/_data/quiz.yml +++ b/_data/quiz.yml @@ -1,5 +1,15 @@ #- imgurl: "" # link: "" +- imgurl: "coffee.png" + link: "https://www.idrlabs.com/coffee-traits/test.php" +- imgurl: "8values.png" + link: "https://8values.github.io/" +- imgurl: "gender.png" + link: "https://www.idrlabs.com/gender/test.php" +- imgurl: "sex.png" + link: "https://sexvalues.github.io/index.html" +- imgurl: "lovestyles.png" + link: "https://www.idrlabs.com/love-styles/test.php" - imgurl: "ESFJtanghulu.jpg" link: "https://ktestone.com/tanghuluEng/" - imgurl: "INFPmemo.jpg" diff --git a/_data/toybox.yaml b/_data/toybox.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b707c9d --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/toybox.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ + #tiny +- imgurl: "chime-kouenli.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/kouenli/art/Wind-Chime-Charm-632500839" + alt: "windchime by kouenli" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-macaron.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Macaroon-758261026" + alt: "macaron by profiledecor" +- imgurl: "pudding.gif" + link: "https://nonkiru.art/" + alt: "pudding by nonkiru" +- imgurl: "bunny.gif" + link: "https://nonkiru.art/" + alt: "bunny by nonkiru" +- imgurl: "teacup.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/peachkonpeito/art/F2U-tea-cup-804142464" + alt: "teacup by peachkonpeito" +- imgurl: "frog1.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "frog with a little leaf umbrella by elfwink" +- imgurl: "frog2.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "frog with little flowers sprouting from their head" +- imgurl: "maneki-neko02.png" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "pink maneki neko (lucky cat) by elfwink" +- imgurl: "sheep07.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "pink sheep by elfwink" +- imgurl: "temmie.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "temmie (chang) from undertale by elfwink" +- imgurl: "yesirukey_tiramisu.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/yesirukey/art/Tiramisu-F2U-pixel-708136065" + alt: "tiramisu by yesirukey" +- imgurl: "mymelo.gif" + link: "" + alt: "my melody plushie" +- imgurl: "catstuffie.gif" + link: "" + alt: "cat plushie" +- imgurl: "nyankoshortcake.gif" + link: "" + alt: "shortcake nyanko" +- imgurl: "bubble-tea.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "bubble tea by elfwink" +- imgurl: "crane.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer/art/Orizuru-743407233" + alt: "paper crane by king-lulu-deer" + + #small +- imgurl: "calpicowhitepeach.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/silkanide/art/Peach-calpico-806405760" + alt: "white peach calpico" +- imgurl: "justveros_thaithea.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/justveros/art/Thai-Iced-tea-Icon-617185879" + alt: "thai tea by justveros" +- imgurl: "bunno.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/xuh/art/FREE-ICON-327108197" + alt: "bun shaking their head 'no'" +- imgurl: "vibecat.gif" + link: "" + alt: "vibecat" +- imgurl: "journal.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/bunnymee/art/F2U-Bunnies-stationary-icon-417964745" + alt: "journal" +- imgurl: "peachds.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer/art/Tini-Nintendo-DS-673354776" + alt: "peach nintendo ds by king-lulu-deer" +- imgurl: "lovebunny.png" + link: "https://mothcub.neocities.org/" + alt: "love bunny by mothcub" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-molang.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Molang-Icon-718961642" + alt: "molang by profiledecor" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-smcrystal.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Sailor-Moon-Crystal-758107000" + alt: "sailor moon crystal by profiledecor" +- imgurl: "plushbun.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/plushpon/art/f2u-blushing-bunny-icon-614329431" + alt: "blushing bunny by plushpon" +- imgurl: "bnnuy.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/kittea-paws/art/smol-angelic-bun-887074102" + alt: "winged bunny by kittea-paws" +- imgurl: "stuffie.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/emoxynha/art/Gif-309507069" + alt: "bunny plushie by emoxynha" +- imgurl: "kuchipachi.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/socksyy/art/Tamagotchi-Kuchipachi-FREE-icon-326906158" + alt: "kuchipachi by socksyy" +- imgurl: "mametchi.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/socksyy/art/Tamagotchi-Mametchi-FREE-Icon-326907796" + alt: "mametchi by socksyy" +- imgurl: "mimitchi.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/socksyy/art/Tamagotchi-Mimitchi-FREE-Icon-327175890" + alt: "mimitchi by socksyy" +- imgurl: "ghostcat.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/adorelee/art/F2U-Ghost-kitty-691030932" + alt: "ghost cat by adorelee" +- imgurl: "smores.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/brownblurry/art/F2U-Smore-Pup-858148323" + alt: "s'more pup by brownblurry" +- imgurl: "napstablook.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/dratinigirl/art/F2U-Napstablook-icon-592463820" + alt: "napstablook by dratinigirl" +- imgurl: "sailormoon.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/mimru/art/Free-icon-Sailor-Moon-Serenity-352175730" + alt: "sailormoon by mimru" +- imgurl: "nekowand.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/nyan-berri/art/Chanteii-Cat-Wand-V2-816145964" + alt: "neko wand by nyan-berri" +- imgurl: "shysheep.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sagesprout/art/Shy-Sheep-651587760" + alt: "shy sheep by sagesprout" +- imgurl: "saturn.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Saturn-Lip-Rod-Pixel-Avatar-2-921520735" + alt: "saturn lip rod by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "curemilky.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Cure-Milky-Pen-Pixel-Avatar-1080472867" + alt: "cure milky pen by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "catgirl.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/silkanide/art/Catgirl-674033187" + alt: "catgirl by silkanide" +#- imgurl: "" +# link: "" +# alt: "" + + #medium +- imgurl: "tbh-creature.gif" + link: "" + alt: "tbh creature" +- imgurl: "peachcat.gif" + link: "" + alt: "peach nyanko" +- imgurl: "yup_milk.gif" + link: "" + alt: "milk dance" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-bnuuy.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Bunny-760007360" + alt: "bunny by profile decor" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-catpuccino.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Catpuccino-Pagedoll-763248537" + alt: "catpuccino by profile decor" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-heartballoon.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Pink-Heart-Balloon-729001925" + alt: "heart balloon by profile decor" +- imgurl: "henlowhorld.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/nyan-berri/art/Henlo-Whorld-861852616" + alt: "henlo whorld by nyan-berri" +- imgurl: "polarbearwalkin.gif" + link: "" + alt: "polar bear walking with u_u face" +- imgurl: "pixel-flower.gif" + link: "" + alt: "pixel flower" +- imgurl: "alcremie.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Ruby-Swirl-Alcremie-Pixel-Avatar-1038257884" + alt: "alcremie" +- imgurl: "chahan.gif" + link: "" + alt: "chahan (fried rice) AA character" +- imgurl: "pandytumble.gif" + link: "" + alt: "tare panda rolling (san-x)" +- imgurl: "sakurakey.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Sakura-Key-Pixel-Avatar-867154484" + alt: "sakura key by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "clowkey.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Clow-Key-Pixel-Avatar-867154490" + alt: "clow key by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "ruru.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Ruru-Pixel-Avatar-889791867" + alt: "ruru by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "hanninwjns.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Hanni-Pixel-Avatar-971276152" + alt: "hanni new jeans by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "angelpuppycat.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Puppycat-Pixel-Avatar-6-941576704" + alt: "angelic puppycat by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "mantacat.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/violetcascade/art/F2u-Mantacat-713834874" + alt: "mantacat by violetcascade" +- imgurl: "cleffa.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/magikarpfever/art/cleffa-pagedoll-f2u-799717024" + alt: "cleffa pagedoll by magikarpfever" +#- imgurl: "" +# link: "" +# alt: "" + + #hyooj +- imgurl: "yamerodance.gif" + link: "" + alt: "internet yamero dance" +- imgurl: "fairyflossnyanko.gif" + link: "" + alt: "fairy floss nyanko" +- imgurl: "inky.gif" + link: "" + alt: "plush octopus" +- imgurl: "kirbybrella.gif" + link: "" + alt: "kirby floating downward with a parasol" +- imgurl: "mooncat.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/nyan-berri/art/Sweet-Dreams-824146432" + alt: "sweet dreams by nyan-berri" + + #ludicrous size +- imgurl: "mahotsukai.gif" + link: "" + alt: "animated gif of ascii art shobon with a wand that says 'もうどうにでもな~れ' or 'I don't care about it anymo~re'" +- imgurl: "piano1.gif" + link: "" + alt: "my sweet piano" +- imgurl: "suya.png" + link: "https://portal.invest.kwarastate.gov.ng/blog/foxapartament/12-752471045585485824" + alt: "sleeping mouse girl gif" +- imgurl: "pinkpupper.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/shirouu-kun/art/pink-pupper-694549511" + alt: "pink pupper by shirouu-kun" +#- imgurl: "" +# link: "" +# alt: "" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/cheesecake.html b/_drafts/cheesecake.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d72df0b --- /dev/null +++ b/_drafts/cheesecake.html @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ + + + + + +
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