diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml index efd3d30..949b05c 100644 --- a/_config.yml +++ b/_config.yml @@ -1,17 +1,8 @@ -# Welcome to Jekyll! -# # This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values # which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find # yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files # feature for the data you need to update frequently. # -# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use -# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process. -# -# If you need help with YAML syntax, here are some quick references for you: -# https://learn-the-web.algonquindesign.ca/topics/markdown-yaml-cheat-sheet/#yaml -# https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/ -# # Site settings # These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files, # you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on. @@ -38,17 +29,9 @@ plugins: - jekyll/tagging - jekyll-toc - jekyll-loading-lazy -# - jemoji-plus - -# reminder to add -# before_script: -# - gem install bundler -# - bundle install -# to the .gitlab-ci.yml -# if you ever add more plugins!! feed: - posts_limit: 50 + posts_limit: 20 last-modified-at: date-format: '%Y.%m.%d' @@ -77,10 +60,6 @@ collections: feed: path: /atom.xml -# emoji_plus: -# host: 'https://peachmoon.moe' -# path: '/img/emoji/' - # Exclude from processing. # The following items will not be processed, by default. # Any item listed under the `exclude:` key here will be automatically added to diff --git a/_data/emoji.yml b/_data/emoji.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..142efce --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/emoji.yml @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +- imgurl: "pacahop.gif" + shortcode: "pacahop" +- imgurl: "amefuri.gif" + shortcode: "amefuri" +- imgurl: "angery.gif" + 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+- imgurl: "uweh.gif" + shortcode: "uweh" +- imgurl: "kya.gif" + shortcode: "kya" +- imgurl: "owo.gif" + shortcode: "owo" +- imgurl: "nuu.gif" + shortcode: "nuu" +- imgurl: "kekw.gif" + shortcode: "kekw" +- imgurl: "pist.gif" + shortcode: "pist" +#- imgurl: "" +# shortcode: "" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_data/frens.yaml b/_data/frens.yaml index 258cf1d..7b2a0ae 100644 --- a/_data/frens.yaml +++ b/_data/frens.yaml @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ - imgurl: "ydreniv.png" link: "https://tilde.town/~ydreniv/" alt: "~ydreniv" - +- imgurl: "ellietime.png" + link: "https://authenticweirdgirl.neocities.org/" + alt: "ellie time" # this space intentionally left blank #- imgurl: "" #link: "" diff --git a/_data/jpop.yaml b/_data/jpop.yaml index b4d7333..f9accc3 100644 --- a/_data/jpop.yaml +++ b/_data/jpop.yaml @@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ - imgurl: "papimuzu.png" link: "" alt: "papipupepo wa muzukashii" +- imgurl: "pinponpanpon.png" + link: "#pppp" + alt: "pinponpanpon" - imgurl: "starfiorenerd.png" link: "" alt: "star fiorenerd" diff --git a/_data/link-button.yaml b/_data/link-button.yaml index b8dac2a..cb4c7ce 100644 --- a/_data/link-button.yaml +++ b/_data/link-button.yaml @@ -139,6 +139,30 @@ - imgurl: "cyberpeach.png" link: "https://cyberpeach.net/" alt: "cyber♡peach" +- imgurl: "nomnomnami.gif" + link: "https://nomnomnami.com/" + alt: "nom nom nami" +- imgurl: "elysia.png" + link: "https://le.alphamethyl.barr0w.net/~elysia/" + alt: "elysia" +- imgurl: "cherie.gif" + link: "https://cherie.nekoweb.org/" + alt: "cherie" +- imgurl: "nelleobserver.gif" + link: "https://nelle.observer/" + alt: "nelle.observer" +- imgurl: "disarray.png" + link: "https://disarray.sh/" + alt: "disarray" +- imgurl: "ako.png" + link: "https://catgirl.homes/~ako/" + alt: "ako" +- imgurl: "mesoscale.gif" + link: "https://mesoscale.neocities.org/" + alt: "mesoscale" +- imgurl: "burypink.png" + link: "https://burypink.neocities.org/" + alt: "clam hanson" # this space intentionally left blank #- imgurl: "" diff --git a/_data/quiz.yml b/_data/quiz.yml index 04b52f0..b8579cc 100644 --- a/_data/quiz.yml +++ b/_data/quiz.yml @@ -1,5 +1,15 @@ #- imgurl: "" # link: "" +- imgurl: "coffee.png" + link: "https://www.idrlabs.com/coffee-traits/test.php" +- imgurl: "8values.png" + link: "https://8values.github.io/" +- imgurl: "gender.png" + link: "https://www.idrlabs.com/gender/test.php" +- imgurl: "sex.png" + link: "https://sexvalues.github.io/index.html" +- imgurl: "lovestyles.png" + link: "https://www.idrlabs.com/love-styles/test.php" - imgurl: "ESFJtanghulu.jpg" link: "https://ktestone.com/tanghuluEng/" - imgurl: "INFPmemo.jpg" diff --git a/_data/toybox.yaml b/_data/toybox.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b707c9d --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/toybox.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ + #tiny +- imgurl: "chime-kouenli.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/kouenli/art/Wind-Chime-Charm-632500839" + alt: "windchime by kouenli" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-macaron.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Macaroon-758261026" + alt: "macaron by profiledecor" +- imgurl: "pudding.gif" + link: "https://nonkiru.art/" + alt: "pudding by nonkiru" +- imgurl: "bunny.gif" + link: "https://nonkiru.art/" + alt: "bunny by nonkiru" +- imgurl: "teacup.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/peachkonpeito/art/F2U-tea-cup-804142464" + alt: "teacup by peachkonpeito" +- imgurl: "frog1.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "frog with a little leaf umbrella by elfwink" +- imgurl: "frog2.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "frog with little flowers sprouting from their head" +- imgurl: "maneki-neko02.png" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "pink maneki neko (lucky cat) by elfwink" +- imgurl: "sheep07.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "pink sheep by elfwink" +- imgurl: "temmie.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "temmie (chang) from undertale by elfwink" +- imgurl: "yesirukey_tiramisu.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/yesirukey/art/Tiramisu-F2U-pixel-708136065" + alt: "tiramisu by yesirukey" +- imgurl: "mymelo.gif" + link: "" + alt: "my melody plushie" +- imgurl: "catstuffie.gif" + link: "" + alt: "cat plushie" +- imgurl: "nyankoshortcake.gif" + link: "" + alt: "shortcake nyanko" +- imgurl: "bubble-tea.gif" + link: "https://pixels.elfwink.net/" + alt: "bubble tea by elfwink" +- imgurl: "crane.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer/art/Orizuru-743407233" + alt: "paper crane by king-lulu-deer" + + #small +- imgurl: "calpicowhitepeach.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/silkanide/art/Peach-calpico-806405760" + alt: "white peach calpico" +- imgurl: "justveros_thaithea.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/justveros/art/Thai-Iced-tea-Icon-617185879" + alt: "thai tea by justveros" +- imgurl: "bunno.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/xuh/art/FREE-ICON-327108197" + alt: "bun shaking their head 'no'" +- imgurl: "vibecat.gif" + link: "" + alt: "vibecat" +- imgurl: "journal.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/bunnymee/art/F2U-Bunnies-stationary-icon-417964745" + alt: "journal" +- imgurl: "peachds.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer/art/Tini-Nintendo-DS-673354776" + alt: "peach nintendo ds by king-lulu-deer" +- imgurl: "lovebunny.png" + link: "https://mothcub.neocities.org/" + alt: "love bunny by mothcub" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-molang.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Molang-Icon-718961642" + alt: "molang by profiledecor" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-smcrystal.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Sailor-Moon-Crystal-758107000" + alt: "sailor moon crystal by profiledecor" +- imgurl: "plushbun.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/plushpon/art/f2u-blushing-bunny-icon-614329431" + alt: "blushing bunny by plushpon" +- imgurl: "bnnuy.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/kittea-paws/art/smol-angelic-bun-887074102" + alt: "winged bunny by kittea-paws" +- imgurl: "stuffie.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/emoxynha/art/Gif-309507069" + alt: "bunny plushie by emoxynha" +- imgurl: "kuchipachi.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/socksyy/art/Tamagotchi-Kuchipachi-FREE-icon-326906158" + alt: "kuchipachi by socksyy" +- imgurl: "mametchi.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/socksyy/art/Tamagotchi-Mametchi-FREE-Icon-326907796" + alt: "mametchi by socksyy" +- imgurl: "mimitchi.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/socksyy/art/Tamagotchi-Mimitchi-FREE-Icon-327175890" + alt: "mimitchi by socksyy" +- imgurl: "ghostcat.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/adorelee/art/F2U-Ghost-kitty-691030932" + alt: "ghost cat by adorelee" +- imgurl: "smores.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/brownblurry/art/F2U-Smore-Pup-858148323" + alt: "s'more pup by brownblurry" +- imgurl: "napstablook.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/dratinigirl/art/F2U-Napstablook-icon-592463820" + alt: "napstablook by dratinigirl" +- imgurl: "sailormoon.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/mimru/art/Free-icon-Sailor-Moon-Serenity-352175730" + alt: "sailormoon by mimru" +- imgurl: "nekowand.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/nyan-berri/art/Chanteii-Cat-Wand-V2-816145964" + alt: "neko wand by nyan-berri" +- imgurl: "shysheep.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sagesprout/art/Shy-Sheep-651587760" + alt: "shy sheep by sagesprout" +- imgurl: "saturn.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Saturn-Lip-Rod-Pixel-Avatar-2-921520735" + alt: "saturn lip rod by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "curemilky.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Cure-Milky-Pen-Pixel-Avatar-1080472867" + alt: "cure milky pen by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "catgirl.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/silkanide/art/Catgirl-674033187" + alt: "catgirl by silkanide" +#- imgurl: "" +# link: "" +# alt: "" + + #medium +- imgurl: "tbh-creature.gif" + link: "" + alt: "tbh creature" +- imgurl: "peachcat.gif" + link: "" + alt: "peach nyanko" +- imgurl: "yup_milk.gif" + link: "" + alt: "milk dance" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-bnuuy.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Bunny-760007360" + alt: "bunny by profile decor" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-catpuccino.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Catpuccino-Pagedoll-763248537" + alt: "catpuccino by profile decor" +- imgurl: "profiledecorda-heartballoon.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/profiledecor/art/F2U-Pink-Heart-Balloon-729001925" + alt: "heart balloon by profile decor" +- imgurl: "henlowhorld.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/nyan-berri/art/Henlo-Whorld-861852616" + alt: "henlo whorld by nyan-berri" +- imgurl: "polarbearwalkin.gif" + link: "" + alt: "polar bear walking with u_u face" +- imgurl: "pixel-flower.gif" + link: "" + alt: "pixel flower" +- imgurl: "alcremie.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Ruby-Swirl-Alcremie-Pixel-Avatar-1038257884" + alt: "alcremie" +- imgurl: "chahan.gif" + link: "" + alt: "chahan (fried rice) AA character" +- imgurl: "pandytumble.gif" + link: "" + alt: "tare panda rolling (san-x)" +- imgurl: "sakurakey.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Sakura-Key-Pixel-Avatar-867154484" + alt: "sakura key by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "clowkey.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Clow-Key-Pixel-Avatar-867154490" + alt: "clow key by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "ruru.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Ruru-Pixel-Avatar-889791867" + alt: "ruru by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "hanninwjns.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Hanni-Pixel-Avatar-971276152" + alt: "hanni new jeans by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "angelpuppycat.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/sailortrekkie92/art/Puppycat-Pixel-Avatar-6-941576704" + alt: "angelic puppycat by sailortrekkie92" +- imgurl: "mantacat.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/violetcascade/art/F2u-Mantacat-713834874" + alt: "mantacat by violetcascade" +- imgurl: "cleffa.gif" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/magikarpfever/art/cleffa-pagedoll-f2u-799717024" + alt: "cleffa pagedoll by magikarpfever" +#- imgurl: "" +# link: "" +# alt: "" + + #hyooj +- imgurl: "yamerodance.gif" + link: "" + alt: "internet yamero dance" +- imgurl: "fairyflossnyanko.gif" + link: "" + alt: "fairy floss nyanko" +- imgurl: "inky.gif" + link: "" + alt: "plush octopus" +- imgurl: "kirbybrella.gif" + link: "" + alt: "kirby floating downward with a parasol" +- imgurl: "mooncat.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/nyan-berri/art/Sweet-Dreams-824146432" + alt: "sweet dreams by nyan-berri" + + #ludicrous size +- imgurl: "mahotsukai.gif" + link: "" + alt: "animated gif of ascii art shobon with a wand that says 'もうどうにでもな~れ' or 'I don't care about it anymo~re'" +- imgurl: "piano1.gif" + link: "" + alt: "my sweet piano" +- imgurl: "suya.png" + link: "https://portal.invest.kwarastate.gov.ng/blog/foxapartament/12-752471045585485824" + alt: "sleeping mouse girl gif" +- imgurl: "pinkpupper.png" + link: "https://www.deviantart.com/shirouu-kun/art/pink-pupper-694549511" + alt: "pink pupper by shirouu-kun" +#- imgurl: "" +# link: "" +# alt: "" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/cheesecake.html b/_drafts/cheesecake.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d72df0b --- /dev/null +++ b/_drafts/cheesecake.html @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {{ page.title }} + + + + {{ content }} + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/cheesecake/index.html b/_drafts/cheesecake/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eda7535 --- /dev/null +++ b/_drafts/cheesecake/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cheesecake + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +  Cheesecake + + + + +
+ + +
+ sample +
+ +
+ +
+ +  Links + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + A cheesecake. + +
+ +
+ +  Example Div + + + + +
+ + +
+ + +

Element Showcase

+ Text. +

Header 2

+ Text. +

Header 3

+ Text. + +

I hope you have fun with this layout! +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Cell 1Cell 2
Description 1Description 2
Description 3Description 4
+ + +
  • Cheesecake!
  • +
  • Shortcake!
  • +
  • All the cake!
  • +
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/cheesecake_style.css b/_drafts/cheesecake_style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8863e3e --- /dev/null +++ b/_drafts/cheesecake_style.css @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* This is a free layout for anyone to use! +All I ask is that you keep this credit in-tact, or that you put my website link +(https://nonkiru.art) somewhere on your site. + +Otherwise, edit this as much as you'd like! + +Last Updated: 8th December 2024 */ + +/* These are the default colour codes for the layout. +Changing the colour code here will update it for any element that uses it. */ +:root { + /* Default: Pink */ + --primary: #ffc9c6; + + /* Default: Light Pink */ + --primary_light: #ffedeb; + + /* Default: Dark Pink */ + --primary_dark: #ee918c; + + /* Default: White */ + --secondary: #fefbf5; + + /* Default: Brown */ + --tertiary: #ad4944; + + /* Default: Blue */ + --link: #2453d4; +} + +body { + background: var(--secondary); + background-image: url(/img/cheesecake/bg.gif); + color: var(--tertiary); + font-size: 16px; + font-family: MS Gothic, Verdana, sans-serif; + line-height: 18px; +} + +/* Link Styling */ +a { + color: var(--link); + /* Adds a smooth effect to link hover. */ + transition: 0.1s all ease-in-out; +} + +a:hover { + color: var(--primary_dark); +} + +/* Header Styling */ +h1 { + display: block; + font-size: 18px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 10px; + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + font-weight: bold; +} + +h2 { + display: block; + font-size: 17px; + margin-top: 3px; + margin-bottom: 7px; + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + font-weight: bold; +} + +h3 { + display: block; + font-size: 16px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 3px; + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + font-weight: bold; +} + +/* Table Styling */ +table { + border-collapse: collapse; + width: 100%; +} + +table td, table th { + border: 1px solid var(--primary); + padding: 4px; +} + +table th { + text-align: left; + background-color: var(--primary_light); +} + +/* List Styling */ +ul { + list-style-image: url('/img/cheesecake/heart_bullet.gif'); + list-style-position: inside; + margin: 5px; + padding: 0; +} + +.container { + background: var(--secondary); + border: 1px solid var(--tertiary); + border-radius: 2px; + width: 800px; + box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px var(--primary); + margin: 5px auto; + cursor: move; +} + +.box { + border: 1px solid var(--primary); + padding: 5px; +} + +.box_header { + border: 1px solid var(--primary); + background-color: var(--primary_light); + height: 20px; + padding: 5px; + /* This centers the text vertically. */ + line-height: 20px; +} + +/* Changes the brightness of the fake buttons on hover. Also changes the cursor. */ +.box_header img:hover { + filter: brightness(103%); + cursor: pointer; +} + +/* Darkens and saturates the buttons on click. Also changes the cursor. */ +.box_header img:active { + filter: brightness(97%) saturate(125%); + cursor: pointer; +} + +/* Mobile Support */ +@media only screen and (max-width: 890px) { + .container { + position: static; + width: 100%; + margin: unset; + margin-bottom: 5px; + } +} + +footer { + font-size: 1.5em; + clear: both; + text-align: right; + margin: auto; + position:sticky; + padding-right: 10px; + bottom: 15px; + } + + @media screen and (max-width: 700px) { + footer { + font-size: 2em; + } + footer a { + background-color: var(--link); + opacity: 0.25; + border-radius: .25em; + padding: .8rem; + } + footer a:hover { + opacity: 1; + } + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_includes/layout/now.html b/_includes/layout/now.html index c416dd3..a80fa41 100644 --- a/_includes/layout/now.html +++ b/_includes/layout/now.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -

this page last updated: {{ "now" | date: '%Y.%m.%d' }} @@ -8,19 +8,19 @@


diff --git a/_includes/layout/pixel.html b/_includes/layout/pixel.html index 0b55615..79579e1 100644 --- a/_includes/layout/pixel.html +++ b/_includes/layout/pixel.html @@ -2,22 +2,4 @@ pansexual flag by dieogovainilla on DA (deactivated) mahou shoujo demisexual flag by diegovainilla on DA (deactivated) -
- white peach calpico - bun shaking their head 'no' - tbh creature - peach nyanko - internet yamero dance - pixel flower - milkdance - polar bear walking with u_u face - vibecat - journal - - tiramisu - - - pudding -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_includes/layout/sidebar.html b/_includes/layout/sidebar.html index f761645..a6a928a 100644 --- a/_includes/layout/sidebar.html +++ b/_includes/layout/sidebar.html @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
- + rss feed \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_layouts/2col-notitle.html b/_layouts/2col-notitle.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9fb6d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/_layouts/2col-notitle.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + 🍑🌙 + + + + + + + + {% include layout/sidebar.html %} +
+ {{ content | external_links }} +
+ {% if page.show_blog_footer %} + + {% endif %} + {% if page.show_footer %} + + {% endif %} + + + + {% if page.url contains "now"%} + + + + {% endif %} + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_layouts/2col-welcome.html b/_layouts/2col-welcome.html index a49a136..50a281c 100644 --- a/_layouts/2col-welcome.html +++ b/_layouts/2col-welcome.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ 🍑🌙 - + diff --git a/_layouts/2col.html b/_layouts/2col.html index 20fb827..ece2834 100644 --- a/_layouts/2col.html +++ b/_layouts/2col.html @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ 🍑🌙 - - + + @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ {% include layout/sidebar.html %}
+ {% unless page.url == '/blog/' %}

{{ page.title }}

{{ content | toc_only }} @@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ {% unless page.url contains '/tag/' %}
{% endunless %} + {% endunless %} {% if page.toc %} {% endif %} {% if page.collection == "posts" %} @@ -26,11 +28,9 @@ published: {{ page.date | date: "%Y.%m.%d" }}
tagged: {% for tag in page.tags %} - {{tag}}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %} + {{tag}}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %} {% endfor %}
- - by mana - + by mana

{% endif %} {{ content | external_links }} diff --git a/_layouts/tag_page.html b/_layouts/tag_page.html index c2d92e1..94ee9e2 100644 --- a/_layouts/tag_page.html +++ b/_layouts/tag_page.html @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ --- layout: 2col --- -

tagged: {{ page.tag }}

+ blog: welcome to here♡ +

{{ page.tag }}

    {% for post in page.posts %}
  • {{ post.date | date: "%Y.%m.%d" }} {{ post.title }}
  • diff --git a/_pages/about.md b/_pages/about.md index c0b16c1..e744af9 100644 --- a/_pages/about.md +++ b/_pages/about.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The site buttons were made by me in [paint.NET](https://getpaint.net/). The side Some photo editing (brushes, blurring, filters) is done on my phone with either [Line Camera](http://linecamera.snow.me/en) or [Bestie Camera](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bestie-portrait-selfie-editor/id953511734) (also available [on android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.pinguo.selfie&pli=1)). -Much of the pixel art/emojis are snagged from [various](https://lostsozai.tumblr.com/) [oldweb](https://cutewebgraphics.tumblr.com/) [uploaders](https://pixel-soup.tumblr.com/) on [tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/hubs?filtered_tags=decome). Various icons (menu toggle, up & back arrows, etc.) are from [phosphor](https://phosphoricons.com/). "OwO what's this...?" animated gif (on both the [now]({% link _pages/now.md %}) and [uses]({% link _pages/uses.md %}) pages) by [SkeletonNekoGems12](https://www.deviantart.com/skeletonnekogems12/art/F2U-645188635). +Much of the pixel art/emojis are snagged from [various](https://lostsozai.tumblr.com/) [oldweb](https://cutewebgraphics.tumblr.com/) [uploaders](https://pixel-soup.tumblr.com/) on [tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/hubs?filtered_tags=decome). Various icons (menu toggle, up & back arrows, etc.) are from [phosphor](https://phosphoricons.com/). "OwO what's this...?" animated gif (on both the [now]({% link _pages/now.md %}) and [uses]({% link _pages/uses.md %}) pages) by [SkeletonNekoGems12](https://www.deviantart.com/skeletonnekogems12/art/F2U-645188635). the {% emoji warn %} graphic used primarily on my [anime]({% link _pages/anime.md %}) and [manga]({% link _pages/manga.md %}) pages is by [karlacorpse](https://www.deviantart.com/karlacorpse/art/Pink-Neon-Warning-Sign-761135392). the {% emoji shrug %} emote is from [drawn-mario](https://www.deviantart.com/drawn-mario/art/Shrugs-595843340). The last.fm now playing script on my [now]({% link _pages/now.md %}) page is by [biancarosa](https://github.com/biancarosa/lastfm-last-played) on github. Current mood is powered by [imood](https://www.imood.com/), and status at the top of the [now](/now) page is powered by [status.cafe](https://status.cafe). My counter script is from [goatcounter](https://www.goatcounter.com/), and my guestbook is provided by [atabook](https://atabook.org/). @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ I *think* this website uses cookies to store things like your theme selection, b Tested in [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/new/) on Windows 10 (I know, gross) and also on [Firefox Mobile for iOS](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/browsers/mobile/ios/). +If you want to view my source code, [here it is](https://gitlab.com/onomanapeia/peachmoon/)! + ## theme credits
    @@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ if you'd like to link to me, I've provided the following buttons! if you do, [le - **2024.12.08**: 1300 views - **2024.11.23**: 1200 views - **2024.10.15**: 1100 views -- **2024.09.26**: 1024 views, or 1 kibiview :3 +- **2024.09.26**: 1024 views, or 1 kibiview {% emoji x3 %} - **2024.09.17**: 1000 views - **2024.08.11**: 900 views - **2024.08.05**: 800 views diff --git a/_pages/aboutme.md b/_pages/aboutme.md index 4f5c26b..b127d02 100644 --- a/_pages/aboutme.md +++ b/_pages/aboutme.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ show_footer: true
    mana's fedicard
    -## mana +## manahear mana pronounce their namehear mana meow - **also known as**: momo, peach, makky, pulilith, hitsuji - **identities**: [sapphic](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Sapphic) [demipansexual](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Demipansexual); [gender](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Petalkitty) [is](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Cutecoric) [confusing](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Genderfae) - **pronouns**: she/they @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ show_footer: true
-## hobbies & interests +## hobbies & interests languages (eng/jpn/german), DIY (cooking, crochet, sewing, jewelrymaking, needlepoint), japanese idols, coding/web design, blogging, modding games, customizing/decorating (with stickers, washi tape, etc.), journaling & planners, singing, kpop, gardening, doodling, video games (animal crossing, harvest moon, stardew valley, jrpgs, and VNs are some favorites), spending time with the homies ## likes @@ -107,4 +107,6 @@ OMG> AKR+++ BTAm+++ CCS++ CHOm+ CBB- DBZ-- EXS%+ FLCL%- FB% FY% 999> GITS++ G080 - *OMGG WE HAVE THE SAME BRAINCELL* ― spherewave - *very honorable and powerful* ― bliss - *omg cat sandwitch......* ― cheri -- *whoa! a lil mew mew!* ― epsi \ No newline at end of file +- *whoa! a lil mew mew!* ― epsi + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_pages/anime.md b/_pages/anime.md index 36781b4..2352427 100644 --- a/_pages/anime.md +++ b/_pages/anime.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ that being said, the types of anime I tend to enjoy fall into the following cate growing up poor in the 90's without much access to anime (really just whatever aired on basic cable/cartoon network's toonami block), I basically watched whatever was available whenever. So, for a lot of the things I'm interested in, I've seen *part* of (sometimes even just a middle of an arc), but just never bothered/had the opportunity to finish. hopefully organizing things into this list will help change that! (we shall see...) -![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) near a title denotes series I've seen part of but haven't finished. +{% emoji warn %} near a title denotes series I've seen part of but haven't finished. as for ranking, I've chosen to use the same ranking system as one of my favorite mobile games, [love live! school idol festival](https://schoolido.lu/), which is now defunct. ultra rare is the highest ranking, and normal the lowest. I simply did not list things I didn't like, so you can think of anything I assigned a "normal" ranking to as "stuff I enjoyed, but it was kind of meh overall." @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if for some reason, you're unfamiliar with this genre, it's about (usually teena ### ![super-super-rare](/img/sif/SSRAll.png) super super rare - card captor sakura *tomoyo, sakura* -- magic knight rayearth ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- magic knight rayearth {% emoji warn %} *hououji fuu* - choujigen game neptune *pururut/iris heart, compa* @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if for some reason, you're unfamiliar with this genre, it's about (usually teena *sasami* ### ![rare](/img/sif/RAll.png) rare -- little witch academia ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- little witch academia {% emoji warn %} *sucy* - mahou tsukai tai! *akane* @@ -60,12 +60,9 @@ if for some reason, you're unfamiliar with this genre, it's about (usually teena ### ![normal](/img/sif/NAll.png) normal - maji de otaku na english! ribbon-chan: eigo de tatakau mahou shoujo *garnett* -- mahou tenshi creamy mami ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- full moon wo sagashite ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- demashitaa! powerpuff girls Z ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- cutie honey ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- mahou tenshi creamy mami {% emoji warn %} - puni puni☆poemii -- corrector yui ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- corrector yui {% emoji warn %} #### want to watch - kamichama karin @@ -99,7 +96,7 @@ this name has been applied to many slice-of-life anime with all-girl casts; usua *nano & hakase* ### ![super-super-rare](/img/sif/SSRSmile.png) super super rare -- kobayashi-san chi no maidragon ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- kobayashi-san chi no maidragon {% emoji warn %} *kamui kanna* - bocchi the rock! *bocchi & kikuri* @@ -107,21 +104,22 @@ this name has been applied to many slice-of-life anime with all-girl casts; usua *miyuki & tsukasa* - yuru yuri *himawari, chitose, chinatsu, kaede* -- ARIA the ANIMATION ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- ARIA the ANIMATION {% emoji warn %} *aria-shachou* ### ![super-rare](/img/sif/SRSmile.png) super rare +- jinrui wa suitai shimashita {% emoji warn %} - penguin musume♥heart *mary, sakura* - demi-chan wa kataritai *yuki & satou-sensei* -- chicchana yukitsukai sugar ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- chicchana yukitsukai sugar {% emoji warn %} *pepper, sugar* ### ![rare](/img/sif/Rsmile.png) rare - K-ON! *azusa & tsumugi* -- love live! school idol project ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- love live! school idol project {% emoji warn %} *nico, kotori* - stella no mahou *tamaki, ayame* @@ -131,23 +129,22 @@ this name has been applied to many slice-of-life anime with all-girl casts; usua *ritsuko, iori, yayoi, miki* - hanamaru youchien *koume, hiiragi* -- gabriel dropout ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- gabriel dropout {% emoji warn %} *satania* - ai mai! moe can change! ### ![normal](/img/sif/NSmile.png) normal - 22/7 *sakura, akane* -- kill me baby ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- kill me baby {% emoji warn %} *agiri, sonya* -- shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- himouto! umaru-chan ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- kiniro mosaic ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- shinryaku! ika musume ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- stella jogakuin koutouka c3-bu ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan {% emoji warn %} +- himouto! umaru-chan {% emoji warn %} +- kiniro mosaic {% emoji warn %} +- shinryaku! ika musume {% emoji warn %} +- stella jogakuin koutouka c3-bu {% emoji warn %} #### want to watch -- jinrui wa suitai shimashita - paniponi dash! - shoujo shuumatsu ryokou - non non biyori @@ -200,7 +197,7 @@ for the sake of simplicity, I am looping horror, mystery, supernatural, and thri *alice, min* ### ![super-rare](/img/sif/SRpure.png) super rare -- haibane renmei ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- haibane renmei {% emoji warn %} - jigoku shoujo *enma ai, kikuri, hone onna, tsugumi* - tokyo babylon @@ -208,7 +205,7 @@ for the sake of simplicity, I am looping horror, mystery, supernatural, and thri *touko, chihiro, junko, sayaka, celestia* ### ![rare](/img/sif/RPure.png) rare -- umineko no naku koro ni ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- umineko no naku koro ni {% emoji warn %} *bernkastel, maria, shannon* - blood-C *saya, nene* @@ -219,7 +216,7 @@ for the sake of simplicity, I am looping horror, mystery, supernatural, and thri *subaru, BT* - black★rock shooter *dead master/takanashi yomi* -- bakemonogatari ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- bakemonogatari {% emoji warn %} *mayoi* ### ![normal](/img/sif/NPure.png) normal @@ -293,7 +290,7 @@ sometimes, things that aren't terrifying tales of cute magical girls can be inte *mechazawa, freddie* - toradora! *yasuko/mirano, taiga* -- poptepipikku/pop team epic ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- poptepipikku/pop team epic {% emoji warn %} - popotan *mii* @@ -314,7 +311,7 @@ sometimes, things that aren't terrifying tales of cute magical girls can be inte - tokyo godfathers ### ![rare](/img/sif/RCool.png) rare -- rozen maiden ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- rozen maiden {% emoji warn %} *hinaichigo, suiseiseiki* - gake no ue no ponyo *ponyo, risa* @@ -324,7 +321,7 @@ sometimes, things that aren't terrifying tales of cute magical girls can be inte *chika* - denpa onna to seishun otoko *erio, meme, ryuuko, yashiro* -- niea under 7 ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- niea under 7 {% emoji warn %} - tenkuu no escaflowne *dilandau, merle* - fushigi no kuni no miyuki-chan @@ -337,14 +334,14 @@ sometimes, things that aren't terrifying tales of cute magical girls can be inte *dekomori sanae, yumeha* - doubutsu no mori *master/brewster, fuuko/celeste* -- kuragehime ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- kuragehime {% emoji warn %} - fruits basket *shigure, yuki* ### ![normal](/img/sif/Ncool.png) normal - danna ga nani wo itteiru ka wakaranai ken *kaoru, hajime* -- ro-kyu-bu ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- ro-kyu-bu {% emoji warn %} #### want to watch - lycoris recoil diff --git a/_pages/blinkies.md b/_pages/blinkies.md index e3ff2d8..990c40a 100644 --- a/_pages/blinkies.md +++ b/_pages/blinkies.md @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ permalink: /webcore/blinkies menu: webcore menu-title: blinkies --- -welcome to my collection of blinkies! this used to all be consolidated on one page, but it's growing a little large, so I've divided the old webcore page into distinct pages to increase loading times. ![yay](/img/emoji/x3.gif) -
{% include layout/gallery/gallery.html folder="img/webcore/blinkies" data_file="blinkies" %} diff --git a/_pages/buttonbadge.md b/_pages/buttonbadge.md index ebfa534..a3ea918 100644 --- a/_pages/buttonbadge.md +++ b/_pages/buttonbadge.md @@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ permalink: /webcore/button-badge menu: webcore menu-title: buttons & badges --- -welcome to my collection of buttons (88x31) and badges (80x15)! this used to all be consolidated on one page, but it's growing a little large, so I've divided the old webcore page into distinct pages to increase loading times. ![yay](/img/emoji/x3.gif) - -the favicon records button and peach fairy, petalkitty, cutecoric, faeian, cute attraction, and tokage badges are made by me and licensed under WTFPL. +
the favicon records (88x31) button and peach fairy, petalkitty, cutecoric, faeian, cute attraction, and tokage (80x15) badges are made by me and licensed under WTFPL.
## badges
diff --git a/_pages/emoji.md b/_pages/emoji.md index 33c4cc3..f6237bc 100644 --- a/_pages/emoji.md +++ b/_pages/emoji.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ you may remember the humble [emoticon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoticon) f growing up, I was obsessed with Japanese culture and language beginning in around [grade 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_grade) when we had done a unit on Japan. this has persisted into my adult life, and I find myself often feeling a spark of joy when I am faced with a kaomoji in the wild. I love using them, and I love seeing them, and hopefully you'll enjoy seeing some of my favorites collected here! fun fact: the first kaomoji (^_^) was invented the same year I was born! coincidence? I think not! -not-so-fun fact: this section is not screen reader friendly due to the nature of kaomoji. ;v; +not-so-fun fact: this section is not screen reader friendly due to the nature of kaomoji. {% emoji cri %} {% include layout/kaomoji.html %} diff --git a/_pages/fridge.md b/_pages/fridge.md index 78e90c2..c4b3fd4 100644 --- a/_pages/fridge.md +++ b/_pages/fridge.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ show_footer: true imgurl: "/img/art/fridge/" thumbsurl: "/img/art/thumbs/fridge/" --- -hello and welcome to my fridge! this is where I put all the beautiful things people have drawn or made for me! thank you to my wonderful friends and supporters for creating these :'D +hello and welcome to my fridge! this is where I put all the beautiful things people have drawn or made for me! thank you to my wonderful friends and supporters for creating these {% emoji plush %} click on any image to see the fullsize version. credits follow the gallery. diff --git a/_pages/jpop.md b/_pages/jpop.md index f293771..167c19c 100644 --- a/_pages/jpop.md +++ b/_pages/jpop.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ menu-title: j-idol show_footer: true toc: true --- -I first got into idol music back in the days of [LiveJournal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiveJournal) (~2002). I had been visiting random anime & Asian music websites I'd come across while surfing the web in the late 90's and eventually found my way to LJ music sharing communities, where I was introduced to [Minimoni.](https://helloproject.fandom.com/wiki/Minimoni), a subgroup of a larger idol group called [Morning Musume.](https://helloproject.fandom.com/wiki/Morning_Musume) I was instantly in love. The first idol song I ever heard was [Minimoni. Hinamatsuri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXEDWNt-G_M), which was a double A-side single with a song I liked much more, [Mini. Strawberry Pie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg9zGtAIDJg). From the moment I heard it, I was hooked: I learned as much as I could about this group and became very interested in idols (a term I'd never heard of before, maybe in manga or anime, but never really understanding what it meant) and began following the group and its subgroups new releases. To this day, Morning Musume. holds a place near and dear to my heart... >w< +I first got into idol music back in the days of [LiveJournal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiveJournal) (~2002). I had been visiting random anime & Asian music websites I'd come across while surfing the web in the late 90's and eventually found my way to LJ music sharing communities, where I was introduced to [Minimoni.](https://helloproject.fandom.com/wiki/Minimoni), a subgroup of a larger idol group called [Morning Musume.](https://helloproject.fandom.com/wiki/Morning_Musume) I was instantly in love. The first idol song I ever heard was [Minimoni. Hinamatsuri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXEDWNt-G_M), which was a double A-side single with a song I liked much more, [Mini. Strawberry Pie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg9zGtAIDJg). From the moment I heard it, I was hooked: I learned as much as I could about this group and became very interested in idols (a term I'd never heard of before, maybe in manga or anime, but never really understanding what it meant) and began following the group and its subgroups new releases. To this day, Morning Musume. holds a place near and dear to my heart... {% emoji aww %} Here's a list of some idol groups I've followed over the years:
@@ -203,6 +203,9 @@ The term oshimen (推しメン) comes from 推し, to cheer, and メンバー, m notall - 片瀬成美 [Katase Narumi](https://www.instagram.com/narumi_katase/) +pinponpanpon +- 姫でバブ [Himedebab](https://jpop.fandom.com/wiki/Himedebab) + superbabys - 天野真里亞 [Amano Maria](https://twitter.com/amanomaria_) diff --git a/_pages/links.md b/_pages/links.md index 75de5cc..f2ea198 100644 --- a/_pages/links.md +++ b/_pages/links.md @@ -35,22 +35,45 @@ these are filled in as I find them/decide I like them, so there's no order to th
--- +## cool people +- [~dozens](https://tilde.town/~dozens/) - big fan of their SOFA club +- [vyr's stories](https://princess.team/) - "fluffy, sometimes horny stories about awkward succubi, robot girls, snake demons, and gender feels" -## everything else -### useful stuff +## useful stuff - [w3schools](https://www.w3schools.com/) - coding tutorials on pretty much anything you can think of; super useful for webdev (but there's tons of other tutorials - c, react, python, etc.) +- [exercism](https://exercism.org/dashboard) - free coding exercises (they will try to upsell you their bootcamp, which *does* cost money, but you can just ignore it). - [icolorpalette](https://icolorpalette.com/) - good for choosing similar colors and shades of colors. -- [neocities](https://neocities.org/) - free web hosting, think like old-school geocities but sns-ified. - [compute cuter](https://computecuter.com/) - a guide to cute-ifying your computer (has text editor themes, keyboard recommendations, keycap recs, cables, and monospace fonts) - [keeb.io](https://keeb.io/) - the place where i got my iris rev4 keyboard, they sell kits and premade custom keyboards. - [falling fruit](https://fallingfruit.org/) - look for fruit trees in your area! +- [petpet generator](https://benisland.neocities.org/petpet/) - upload images & turn them into animated gifs with a hand patting them! +- [neomojimixer](https://neomojimixer.com/) - lets you customize your own neomoji -### federated verse +## yesterweb/indieweb +- [neocities](https://neocities.org/) - free web hosting, think like old-school geocities but sns-ified. +- [nekoweb](https://nekoweb.org/) - free static hosting, in a similar vein to neocities. +- [ytoo!](https://ytoo.org/) +- [bear blog](https://bearblog.dev/) +- [tildeverse wiki](https://tilde.wiki/Known_tildes) +- [yesterweb zine](https://yesterweb.org/zine/) +- [webgardens](https://webgardens.neocities.org/) +- [smolweb](https://cool-links.neocities.org/smallweb) +- [multiverse](https://multiverse.plus/) + +## federated verse - [about fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) - an explanation of what a fediverse even is, start here if you've never heard of it. - [fediverse.party](https://fediverse.party/) - an overview of the many platforms that make up the fediverse - [to the fediverse!](https://www.fediverse.to/) - a directory of instances -### artists +## interests +- [denpa song english guide](https://denpa.omaera.org/) +- [yume wiki](https://yume.wiki/Main_Page) - yume nikki & fanganes wiki +- [cgdct](https://cgdct.com/) - serves a random 'cute girls doing cute things' anime recommendation +- [kisekae.org](https://kisekae.org/) KISS dolls from the 90's/00's +- [pocketKiSS](https://www.viksoe.dk/code/pocketkiss.htm) +- [celestian.io](https://celestian.io/) - view what the night sky looks like in your area + +## artists - [maruti-bitamin](https://maruti-bitamin.tumblr.com/) - stunning watercolor artist - [dr. moricky](https://morickyyy.tumblr.com/) - *very* cute & soft illustrations - [heikala](https://heikala.com/) - a delicate & cute style, my favorites are their fairy art @@ -72,14 +95,14 @@ these are filled in as I find them/decide I like them, so there's no order to th - [plushpon](https://chaoparty.tumblr.com/) - [bittersweet haven](https://bittersweethaven.com/) - super cute plushes! -### oldweb graphics +## oldweb graphics - [web badges world](https://web.badges.world/) - a great place for 80x15 badges - [fluffmoth's id buttons](https://idbuttons.neocities.org/database/?) - rounded 80x15 badges - [88x31 collection](http://88x31.nl/index.html) - [cyber rot](https://cyber-rot.neocities.org/mine) - [the blinkie hoard](https://blinkies.neocities.org/) -### kaomoji (人>ω•*) +## kaomoji (人>ω•*) - [unicode consortium's emoji list](https://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html) - [emoji.gg](https://emoji.gg) - [kaomoji cafe](https://kaomoji-cafe.jp/) 🇯🇵 diff --git a/_pages/manga.md b/_pages/manga.md index e54f9bb..ba00701 100644 --- a/_pages/manga.md +++ b/_pages/manga.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ show_footer: true --- growing up poor in the 90's, manga was much more readily available to me in the form of both scanlations and just being able to idle in the local bookstore aisle while my parents did their shopping and reading whatever the bookstore had in stock. -however, bookstores would often only carry the first few volumes, and as a result, there's tons of manga I've started but haven't gotten around to finishing...![pout](/img/emoji/pout.gif) (hopefully I can start to remedy that!) +however, bookstores would often only carry the first few volumes, and as a result, there's tons of manga I've started but haven't gotten around to finishing...{% emoji pout %} (hopefully I can start to remedy that!) anyway, the manga & light novels I tend to enjoy the most tend to fall into the following categories: - [4koma](#-4koma) @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ anyway, the manga & light novels I tend to enjoy the most tend to fall into the - [shoujo](#-shoujo) - [everything else](#-everything-else) -![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) near a title denotes series I've read part of but haven't finished (or is still in publication). +{% emoji warn %} near a title denotes series I've read part of but haven't finished (or is still in publication). as for ranking, I've chosen to use the same ranking system as one of my favorite mobile games, [love live! school idol festival](https://schoolido.lu/), which is now defunct. ultra rare is the highest ranking, and normal the lowest. I simply did not list things I didn't like, so you can think of anything I assigned a "normal" ranking to as "stuff I enjoyed, but it was kind of meh overall." @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ koma here refers to manga panels, so 4koma means 4-panel manga. most commonly us *shijima, majime, mogawa-sensei* ### ![super-super-rare](/img/sif/SSRAll.png) super super rare -- a-channel ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- a-channel {% emoji warn %} *tooru, run* - azumanga daioh *chiyo-chan, osaka, sakaki-san* @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ koma here refers to manga panels, so 4koma means 4-panel manga. most commonly us ### ![super-rare](/img/sif/SRAll.png) super rare - lucky☆star *tsukasa, miyuki* -- poputepipikku ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- poputepipikku {% emoji warn %} ### ![rare](/img/sif/RAll.png) rare -- shiawase kanako no koroshiya seikatsu ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- shiawase kanako no koroshiya seikatsu {% emoji warn %} ### ![normal](/img/sif/NAll.png) normal - nyoro~n churuya-san @@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ seinen manga are usually aimed at young adult men, as opposed to its partner gen - amigara dansou no kai ### ![super-super-rare](/img/sif/SSRSmile.png) super super rare -- shoujo shuumatsu ryokou ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- mahou shoujo♡misoji ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- shoujo shuumatsu ryokou {% emoji warn %} +- mahou shoujo♡misoji {% emoji warn %} ### ![super-rare](/img/sif/SRSmile.png) super rare -- aa! megami-sama! ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- aa! megami-sama! {% emoji warn %} *skuld* -- chobits ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- chobits {% emoji warn %} *sumomo, chii* -- rozen maiden ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- rozen maiden {% emoji warn %} *hina ichigo, suiseiseki* ### ![rare](/img/sif/Rsmile.png) rare @@ -129,46 +129,46 @@ seinen manga are usually aimed at young adult men, as opposed to its partner gen comics about girls and for girls are listed here. frequently feature themes of love, school life, and friendship. mahou shoujo (magical girls) are a common subgenre of the shoujo genre. mostly very tame and fluffy, but there are always exceptions. ### ![ultra-rare](/img/sif/URpure.png) ultra rare -- bishoujo senshi sailor moon ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- bishoujo senshi sailor moon {% emoji warn %} *hotaru, chibi-usa, michiru, usagi* -- planet ladder ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- planet ladder {% emoji warn %} *kaguya* ### ![super-super-rare](/img/sif/SSRPure.png) super super rare -- card captor sakura ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- card captor sakura {% emoji warn %} *tomoyo* -- tenshi kinryouku ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- magic knight rayearth ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- tenshi kinryouku {% emoji warn %} +- magic knight rayearth {% emoji warn %} *fuu, emeraude, mokona* ### ![super-rare](/img/sif/SRpure.png) super rare -- yousei hyouhon: fairy cube ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- yousei hyouhon: fairy cube {% emoji warn %} - hot gimmick *hatsumi* - sunadokei *an* -- gakuen alice ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- kitchen no ohimesama ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- gakuen alice {% emoji warn %} +- kitchen no ohimesama {% emoji warn %} ### ![rare](/img/sif/RPure.png) rare - codename wa sailor v -- fushigi yuugi ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- alice 19th ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- fushigi yuugi {% emoji warn %} +- alice 19th {% emoji warn %} *nyozeka* -- zettai kareshi ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- gals! ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- zettai kareshi {% emoji warn %} +- gals! {% emoji warn %} *aya* -- tokyo mew mew ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- tokyo mew mew {% emoji warn %} *lettuce, zakuro* -- scissor sisters ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- scissor sisters {% emoji warn %} ### ![normal](/img/sif/NPure.png) normal -- absolute witch ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- nana ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- kodomo no omocha ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- peach girl ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- kaitou saint tail ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- majo kaitou lip☆s ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- absolute witch {% emoji warn %} +- nana {% emoji warn %} +- kodomo no omocha {% emoji warn %} +- peach girl {% emoji warn %} +- kaitou saint tail {% emoji warn %} +- majo kaitou lip☆s {% emoji warn %} #### want to read - alichino @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ comics about girls and for girls are listed here. frequently feature themes of l sometimes I read things that aren't soft fluffy shoujo, gag manga, or aimed at young men. and sometimes those things are good! ### ![ultra-rare](/img/sif/URCool.png) ultra rare -- urasekai picnic (LN) ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- urasekai picnic (LN) {% emoji warn %} *kozakura* - kamisama no memochou (LN) *alice* @@ -210,37 +210,36 @@ sometimes I read things that aren't soft fluffy shoujo, gag manga, or aimed at y *sadako* ### ![super-super-rare](/img/sif/SSRcool.png) super super rare -- aisarete mo iinda yo ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- aisarete mo iinda yo {% emoji warn %} *manager, cocoa* - paradise kiss *miwako, isabella* - sheets no sukima -- yotsubato! ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- yotsubato! {% emoji warn %} *yotsuba* ### ![super-rare](/img/sif/SRCool.png) super rare -- komi-san wa, komyushou desu. ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- komi-san wa, komyushou desu. {% emoji warn %} *shouko* - watashi ga motenai no wa dou kangaete mo omaera ga warui! *katou, yuu, yuri* -- suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu (LN) ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu (LN) {% emoji warn %} *nagato, mikuru* -- ichigo marshmallow ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- tenchi muyou! ryououki ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- ichigo marshmallow {% emoji warn %} +- tenchi muyou! ryououki {% emoji warn %} *washuu, ayeka, sasami* -- urusei yatsura ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- urusei yatsura {% emoji warn %} *lum* ### ![rare](/img/sif/RCool.png) rare -- pupipo ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- chainsaw man ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- mamotte shugogetten! ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- pupipo {% emoji warn %} +- chainsaw man {% emoji warn %} +- mamotte shugogetten! {% emoji warn %} ### ![normal](/img/sif/Ncool.png) normal -- hachimitsu to clover ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- inu-yasha ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- orange marmalade ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) -- ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai (LN) ![warning](/img/emoji/warning.gif) +- hachimitsu to clover {% emoji warn %} +- inu-yasha {% emoji warn %} +- orange marmalade {% emoji warn %} #### want to read - yokohama kaidashi kikou diff --git a/_pages/music.md b/_pages/music.md index 7369845..86d7330 100644 --- a/_pages/music.md +++ b/_pages/music.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ toc: true --- **bolded** denotes favorites. -## producers/composers/trackmakers +## producers - **[yunomi](https://iamyunomi.bandcamp.com/)** - **[ujico*/snail's house](https://0101.bandcamp.com/)** - **[yoshikawa yoshino](https://yosshibox.bandcamp.com/)** @@ -18,18 +18,17 @@ toc: true - **[moe shop](https://moeshop.bandcamp.com/)** - [macross 82-99](https://macross82-99.bandcamp.com/) - **[astrophysics](https://astrophysicsbrazil.bandcamp.com/)** -- [ミカヅキBIGWAVE](https://mikazukibigwave.bandcamp.com/) +- **[ミカヅキBIGWAVE](https://mikazukibigwave.bandcamp.com/)** - [회사AUTO](https://auto-7.bandcamp.com/) --- -## labels & collectives +## labels - **[maltine records](http://maltinerecords.cs8.biz/)** - **[pink neon tokyo](https://pinkneontokyo.bandcamp.com/)** - **[favicon records](https://faviconrecords.bandcamp.com/)** - [local visions](https://local-visions.bandcamp.com/) - **[未来茶レコード](https://ototoy.jp/labels/399133)** - [neoncity records](https://neoncityrecords.bandcamp.com/) -- [tokyo audio waffle](https://soundcloud.com/motome-nakaji) --- ## singer-songwriters @@ -61,31 +60,35 @@ toc: true ## bands - **午前3時と退屈 [gozen 3ji to taikutsu](https://www.youtube.com/@user-qd7kb7dq6b)** - **印象派 [inshow-ha](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDvL-t1Y7C0E4TKX0nAOPvA)** -- **[the moldy peaches](http://www.moldypeaches.com/)** +- 花冷え。 [HANABIE.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45-01kcJeBvPczl1_22KXw) - **ぽわん [powann](https://www.youtube.com/@4649powann)** - **メランコリック写楽 [melancholic sharaku](https://www.youtube.com/@nonrai1)** +- モノクロパンダ [monoqlo panda](https://www.youtube.com/@monopankanda) +- **[the brilliant green](https://www.youtube.com/user/thebrilliantgreenTV)** +- [the pillows](https://www.youtube.com/c/thepillowsJPN) +- [cinnamons](https://www.youtube.com/@cinnamons/) +- サイレントサイレン [SILENT SIREN](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR-xtog9RWSG0EWC3Cj_JCg) +- ミズイロノヒ [mizuiro no hi](https://www.youtube.com/@user-ui6gy1yv5m) +- [necomimi☆spacenoid](https://necomimispacenoid.bandcamp.com/) +- [MALICE MIZER](http://www.malice-mizer.co.jp/) +- [JUDY AND MARY](https://www.youtube.com/user/ecosystemSMEJ) +- [Gacharic Spin](https://www.youtube.com/@GacharicSpin) +- **[the moldy peaches](http://www.moldypeaches.com/)** - **[cibo matto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN9auBn6Jys)** - **[belle and sebastian](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClz7tzOxFJT_v5iOfh8PPvg)** - **[kero kero bonito](https://www.youtube.com/@KeroKeroBonito)** - [rilo kiley](http://www.rilokiley.com/) - [stars](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_emwJJpw1k5-H9wOSdK6PA) - [purity ring](https://www.youtube.com/@purityring) -- モノクロパンダ [monoqlo panda](https://www.youtube.com/@monopankanda) -- **[the brilliant green](https://www.youtube.com/user/thebrilliantgreenTV)** -- [the pillows](https://www.youtube.com/c/thepillowsJPN) - [the postal service](http://postalservicemusic.net/) - [metric](https://www.youtube.com/@metricmusic) - [gliss](https://www.youtube.com/@GLISSmusicGLISS) -- [cinnamons](https://www.youtube.com/@cinnamons/) -- ミズイロノヒ [mizuiro no hi](https://www.youtube.com/@user-ui6gy1yv5m) - [R.E.M.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7eaRqtonpyiYw0Pns0Au_g) -- [necomimi☆spacenoid](https://necomimispacenoid.bandcamp.com/) -- [MALICE MIZER](http://www.malice-mizer.co.jp/) -- [JUDY AND MARY](https://www.youtube.com/user/ecosystemSMEJ) --- ## units - **[doubleeleven undercurrent/UpperCut]((https://doubleeleven.booth.pm/))** +- [tokyo audio waffle](https://soundcloud.com/motome-nakaji) - [FEMM](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Pp-ffsPH8ozLKFMdxOvFw) - ちぃむdmp☆ [team dmp☆](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWXssJ3-SWjSHeIgTEvEgxKORNf0X-Cac) - [shaking pink](http://orc2000.com/spi/index.html) diff --git a/_pages/now.md b/_pages/now.md index 2f18b12..fcc876d 100644 --- a/_pages/now.md +++ b/_pages/now.md @@ -9,26 +9,21 @@ show_footer: true {% include layout/now.html %} ---
-a green hobonichi weeks-style bullet journal sat on top of a thicker journal with green artwork on it; they are turned on their side so that the progress through them is visible. -
my progress this year
+a green hobonichi weeks-style bullet journal sat on top of a thicker journal with green artwork on it; they are turned on their side so that the progress through them is visible. +
my progress in 2024.
## journaling -as you can see, I'm about 3/4 the way through my first superthicc journal, which I've been gluing all sorts of stuff into, such as: sticker packaging, receipts, fortunes from fortune cookies, bits of packaging that I like from various things (pens, converters, ink boxes, etc). It's going really well, even if I've fallen out of habit very recently. (been doing a lot of thinking and not enough writing!) ![hehe](/img/emoji/eheheoops.gif) [lucidiot](https://tilde.town/~lucidiot/) has been helping me stay on track and keeping me honest on that front. x3 I need to try and remember that when many thought head full that journaling is the answer! ![alpaca hop](/img/emoji/alpacahop.gif) +finished my first ever superthicc journal! {% emoji heccye %} so I get to begin the new year with a new journal! I'm excited to fill it with many more memories and entries. {% emoji aww %} -## therapy -I'm about 3/4 of the way through this cycle of therapy; I have about 4 more sessions left as of writing this. Things are going really well; I really like my therapist, and we're doing really good work together. She's helped me to get back on track so that I'm taking better care of myself, and we've even worked on how to move past some of my old trauma, so that's got me feeling pretty good! ![pompompurin kicking his lil leggies!](/img/emoji/purinleggies.gif) +## art +trying to get back into doing more art in 2025! I've ordered some sketch pads and am going to try to challenge myself to spend some time drawing every day to try to get back into the habit. hopefully, I'll have some more doodles & maybe even watercolors? for my [rkgk]({% link _pages/rkgk.md %}) page soon~! {% emoji heartcheeks %} ## fountain pens -the converters for the broken jinhao pens *do not* fit my platinum little meteors ![angy](/img/emoji/angery.gif) so now I have three converters that don't fit any of my pens. (the green jinhao has lasted so far, but if it's anything like the other two it is only a matter of time) ![tiny tantrum](/img/emoji/tantrum.gif) +been considering dropping a few more dollars on some more Jinhao pens, despite two of mine breaking... {% emoji ree %} they're so cheap and I find them very comfortable to use, even if the resin/acetate (whatever it is they're made of) is so cheap/brittle. maybe this time I'll try a slightly more expensive model of theirs with a similar body style, because they're just *so* comfortable for my smol hands. {% emoji catsparkle %} -so I had to order replacement converters for two of my platinum little meteor fountain pens because I decided I don't like the sliding mechanism on the cheapest available converter; it's a little too difficult to operate with my arthritic hands... ![sad](/img/emoji/sad.gif) +## SOFA +recently, while reading through [~dozens](https://tilde.town/~dozens/)' website, I happened upon their [SOFA club page](https://tilde.town/~dozens/sofa/), and it's caused a paradigm shift for me. for a long time, I have been plagued by feelings of inadequacy because it seems like every time I start something, I can't motivate myself to finish it. Usually this is because I don't actually enjoy the thing, but I've been trying to *make* myself stick with things out of some kind of...obligation, I guess? I worried for a while that I was too flighty or incapable of seeing things through to the end. I've never been good with schedules or deadlines, and I guess some part of me felt the need to prove to myself that I could do it, but the end result has just been...despair. life is too short to get bogged down by things you ended up not liking and don't want to waste time on, so reading over this page allowed me to forgive myself and move on from the things I decided I'd rather not spend time on. I think I may be in a transitional phase in my life in that my tastes seem to be changing somewhat? I'm curious to see what new things this year will bring! {% emoji cheeks %} -## gaming -after a long stint of nothing really grabbing my attention, I began a new world on minecraft and have been playing that pretty religiously these past two weeks, to the point where I've been kind of ignoring friends...which I am not proud of. ![D:](/img/emoji/singletear.gif) - -## survival -born to die world is a fuck onigami kill em all 1989 i am trash man holy crap that's a lot of dead cops wowowowow -let's face it: this year's election has left a lot of us feeling pretty exhausted, exasperated, depressed, etc. ![sad rain](/img/emoji/amefuri.gif) the world is a fuck and I'm just trying to make it from day to day at this point and do my best to care for the people around me. and right now, that means focusing more on my mental health so that I *can* be there for the homies. there's a reason on airlines they tell you to secure your own oxygen mask before assisting other passengers - you're no good to anyone passed out and unable to help. so even when it feels selfish (bc trauma, ofc!), I gotta do my best to take care of myself so I can support the people in my life I care about. - -please take care of and be kind to each other right now. be the good you wanna see in the world. we won't get out of this without sticking together and helping each other. ![korilakkuma heart](/img/emoji/koriheart.gif)
\ No newline at end of file +## living for myself +this sounds kind of...melodramatic, ig? but my most recent stint in therapy has given me permission to stop spreading myself so thin and try to focus more on myself and what I want to do. for too long, I've been listlessly floating through life doing whatever was asked of me just to have something to do, but now I feel more alive than ever, and have a course of action I wish to take, so that sort of existence is no longer serving me. I'm excited about my future, and I can't wait to see what 2025 has in store for me! {% emoji confetti %} I hope to be doing more art, more journaling, getting into trackmaking, covering more songs, and working through some of my backlog of games, books, and anime. (and ofc, working on this site!) {% emoji dancey %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_pages/picrew.md b/_pages/picrew.md index 4f68f89..abecbaa 100644 --- a/_pages/picrew.md +++ b/_pages/picrew.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ menu-title: picrew show_footer: true data_file: picrew.yml --- -I started playing with picrew when I first began seeing them being circulated in 2021 or so, and have collected many over the years! only recently have I begun to document & save the links to them, so if you have links to any of these picrews, please contact me so I can link back to them!! (I have lost some over the years ;w;) +I started playing with picrew when I first began seeing them being circulated in 2021 or so, and have collected many over the years! only recently have I begun to document & save the links to them, so if you have links to any of these picrews, please contact me so I can link back to them!! (I have lost some over the years) {% emoji cri %} {% include layout/gallery/picrew.html folder="img/picrew" data_file="picrew" %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_pages/plans.md b/_pages/plans.md index 8a41cde..9b4a56f 100644 --- a/_pages/plans.md +++ b/_pages/plans.md @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ --- -layout: 2col +layout: 2col-notitle title: plans for this website permalink: /plans menu: home menu-title: plans --- +
+ +
+ this is just a place for me to keep track of my ideas for this webbed site. not all of these may eventually be implemented, but if you like something I've talked about here and want me to post about it, [let me know]({% link _pages/contact.md %})! - out-of-context quotes page - a [/uses](https://indieweb.org/using) page ✅ @@ -42,11 +47,12 @@ this is just a place for me to keep track of my ideas for this webbed site. not - about my bg3 character - maybe talk more about vns/what kind of vns I like/vns I am looking forward to - minecwap builds -- [covers]({% link _pages/songs.md %}) ![new](/img/emoji/new.gif) ✅ +- [covers]({% link _pages/songs.md %}) {% emoji new %} ✅ - songs i want to cover - stuff I plan to: - read: [manga]({% link _pages/manga.md %}) ✅ - watch: [anime]({% link _pages/anime.md %}) ✅ - play -- poetry? (people have asked for it but ![@_@](/img/emoji/keroweh.gif)) -- figure out how to make custom emotes work with [jemoji](https://github.com/jekyll/jemoji). \ No newline at end of file +- poetry? (people have asked for it but {% emoji wehcri %} +- ~~figure out how to make custom emotes work with [jemoji](https://github.com/jekyll/jemoji).~~ + - I found a workaround! and made my own [liquid tag](https://gitlab.com/onomanapeia/peachmoon/-/blob/main/_plugins/emote_shortcode.rb) for rendering emotes, and now the website uses it! {% emoji x3 %} ✅ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_pages/quiz.md b/_pages/quiz.md index 881f8ff..287fc84 100644 --- a/_pages/quiz.md +++ b/_pages/quiz.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ show_footer: true data_file: quiz.yml --- {% include layout/gallery/masonry.html folder="img/quiz" data_file="quiz" %} -
your pokemon type is...psychic
diff --git a/_pages/rkgk.md b/_pages/rkgk.md index 28e08e4..3278680 100644 --- a/_pages/rkgk.md +++ b/_pages/rkgk.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ show_footer: true imgurl: "/img/art/rkgk/" thumbsurl: "/img/art/thumbs/rkgk/" --- -rkgk comes from the japanese word 落書き (rakugaki), meaning “scribble,” “grafitti,” or “doodle.” calling these attempts at humor ‘art’ is insulting to people who earnestly try to create something aesthetically pleasing. either way, I hope these bring you some joy, bc I enjoyed making them. :3 +rkgk comes from the japanese word 落書き (rakugaki), meaning “scribble,” “grafitti,” or “doodle.” calling these attempts at humor ‘art’ is insulting to people who earnestly try to create something aesthetically pleasing. either way, I hope these bring you some joy, bc I enjoyed making them. {% emoji x3 %} click on any image to see the fullsize version. diff --git a/_pages/sdv.md b/_pages/sdv.md index f437dfe..4c7b0c7 100644 --- a/_pages/sdv.md +++ b/_pages/sdv.md @@ -11,29 +11,30 @@ toc: true I have multiple saves for playtesting different mod combinations, but there's really only two farmers I'm ever paying attention to: my original vanilla save, and my current modded playthrough. {% include layout/sdv.html %} - --- ## modlist {#modlist} this is a list of mods I'm using in my current modded playthrough. ### quality of life -- [Automate](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063) -been debating getting rid of this one since they introduced [hoppers](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Hopper) in 1.5. - [Automatic Gates](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3109) you can probably guess that this auto-opens and closes gates behind you so you don't end up getting off your horse by accident (a massive source of frustration in late-game). +- [Auto-Grab Truffles](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21705) +makes it so that the [auto-grabber](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Auto-Grabber) can pick up truffles your pigs have dug up! - [Better Crafting](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/11115) a must-have for any mods that add craftables, it just tidies up the crafting menu & divides craftable items into categories. - [Better Sort](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1992) I am lazy and absolutely ***loathe*** having to manually sort my weapons/items/tools in my toolbar; this lets me set an order & forget about it. Not compatible with GMCM, so you have to edit the config manually. -- [Better Truffles](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23228) -adds a bubble above truffles that have been dug up so you can see them through tall grass. ;w; - [Chests Anywhere](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/518) I am disorganized and don't know where anything is, this prevents me from wandering from building to building trying to organize my inventory (an actual nightmare). - [CJB Cheats Menu](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4) I only use this for freezing time indoors and very rarely warping back to my house when I've stayed out too late...>.>;; - [Crop Watering Bubbles Continued](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21428) adds a bubble above crops that have yet to be watered; useful for trellis crops/thicker crops that you may not be able to see the color of the dirt through. never re-water the same area 20 times bc of your ADHD again! +- [Destroyable Bushes](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6304) +makes all bushes destroyable with your axe. +- [Easy Farm Switcher](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/16873) +lets you swap your farm midway through a save! very useful for when you want to try out different farm maps but don't want to start a new save. - [Furniture Adjustment](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10213) do you hate the furniture grid system and wish you could adjust where your decor sits better? me too, so did the creator of this mod, enough to program this. - [Happy Home Designer](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/19675) @@ -48,20 +49,22 @@ great for modded maps (for example, mods that change the farmhouse); sometimes y makes npcs react to objects in their path the same way they would to a player character being in their path (stopping, getting a ? above their head, then passing through quickly) rather than destroying it. - [PNG Retex Helper](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6340) great for any loose assets you have that you'd like patched into the game; saves you from having to write individually-tailored mods for each thing. instead, you can just drop any .pngs you have into the subfolders and they will be magically patched into the game! very nifty. :3 +- [QuickSave](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26194) +similar to how old-school emulators worked with saved states, you can quicksave (f5) and quickload (f7) with this. - [Spouse Room Renovation](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23529) allows you to completely redecorate your partner's room, including changing the flooring/wallpaper. - [Tree Transplant (fix)](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20852) Allows you to move any trees you've planted (modded or otherwise) from Robin's shop. Useful for remodeling/deciding where you want your orchard to be. Sometimes you just plant something and it grows way differently than you imagined; this is for that. >w< - [UI Info Suite 2](https://github.com/Annosz/UIInfoSuite2/releases) allows you to skip the game's intro with the esc key, shows your luck, tomorrow's weather (if it's not sunny), reminds you to visit the traveling merchant & watch the Queen of Sauce; shows villagers' locations on the map, renders heart levels with npcs more accurately, displays icons over animals that need petting, shows crop type and days until harvest on mouseover, shows a bubble over animals with item yields (ready to be milked/shorn), displays an icon reminding you your tool is done being upgraded, displays an icon letting you know how long robin will be working on a building, shows an icon by items which haven't been shipped yet, and much more! -- [World Maps Anywhere](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/24210) -allows you to check modded areas' maps from anywhere (a prerequisite for mount vapius). #### mental health QoL - [No More Flies](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20780) for my fellow entomophobes out there, this replaces that *awful* buzzing sound the cave flies make with a short list of provided alternatives and also changes the sprites for flies and grubs to be fairy slimes. also removes the buzzing ambient sound from summer leaving only birdsongs. there are plans to implement arachnophobia-friendly retextures as well. - [Ilucie's Spider Replacement](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21336) for my fellow arachnopobes, this replaces the icky arachnids with cute angery junimos. +- [Precise Furniture](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23488) +lets you move furniture pixel-by-pixel so you can get it *precisely* where you want it; perfect for those of us with OCD or who just don't love the way furniture placement works in vanilla. {% emoji pout %} - [Pumpkin Junimos Replace Spirit's Eve Maze Spiders](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10300) replaces the spirit's eve spiders inside the maze with pumpkins carved into junimos. @@ -76,6 +79,8 @@ supports custom object categories among other things, a requirement for many mod This mod does nothing on its own, but makes managing Wildflour's mod suite much easier! You can ignore this if you don't end up using her mods. - [Content Patcher](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1915) if you install anything, you'll probably want to install this; allows the game code to be patched easily using .json files. Nearly everything uses this as a prerequisite these days. +- [Custom Farm Loader](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/13804) +a requirement for many custom farms (that are not meant to replace existing/vanilla farms). - [DaisyNiko's Tilesheets](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4736) a requirement for many custom maps. - [Esca's Modding Plugins](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/9296) @@ -83,7 +88,7 @@ mostly a tool for modders, but also allows players to place mini-fridges and bed - [Event Repeater](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3642) often an unlisted requirement for mods that alter events. - [Extra Animal Config](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25328) -a framework allowing mods to allow for animals that can be sheared and also milked, and changing custom animals' diets (this is a requirement for [Chicken Feed](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26443)) +a framework allowing mods to allow for animals that can be sheared and also milked, and changing custom animals' diets (this is a requirement for [Chicken Feed](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26443)). - [Farm Type Manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3231) allows modders to set custom spawnable items in any location, not just the farm! - [Fashion Sense](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/9969) @@ -100,12 +105,18 @@ a requirement for many of the maps by Wildflour. another commonly required tileset for modded maps; this one is for indoors. - [Lumisteria Tilesheets Outdoor](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10448) same as above but for outdoor maps. +- [Machine Control Panel](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/28261) +allows on-the-fly changes to machine outputs (mostly used for tweaking automate rules). not strictly necessary, but a recommended requirement for the new [Wildflour Atelier Goods](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/27049). - [Mail Framework Mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1536) allows modders to send custom mail to the player -- [SpaceCore](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1348) -a framework for modders enabling more npc interactions, adding colored lights, new tile/touch/trigger actions, custom event commands, and more. +- [PIF Personal Rooms](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20537) +a requirement for any mods adding new rooms (maps) to your farmhouse. +- [StardewUI](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/28870) +this is a requirement for [Machine Control Panel](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/28261), which is a recommended requirement for the new [Wildflour Atelier Goods](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/27049). - [Unlockable Bundles](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17265) allows modders to add their own custom bundles. +- [World Maps Anywhere](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/24210) +allows you to check modded areas' maps from anywhere (a prerequisite for mount vapius). ### immersion - [Chicken Feed](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26443) @@ -122,17 +133,24 @@ when applicable, enables either the player or their partner to have an event/cut adds more in-depth letters for each npc in town based on your friendship (or romantic involvement) with them. ### map changes -- [Aimon's More Lively Farm Cave](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23190) +- [Green Farm Cave](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/19498) - [Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/19405) - [Comfortable Slime Hutch](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20430) -- [Cozy Hut House](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7872) -- [Cute and Tidy Coops & Barns](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21563) -- [Ginger Island Beach House](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10341) -- [Lnh's Stardew Shed](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17883) -- [Sea Breeze Cellar](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26340) -- [Sea Breeze Farmhouse](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/13752) -- [Wildflour's Romantic Garden Farm Map](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20974) -- [Wildflour's Witchy Greenhouse](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/15536) +- [Immersive Barns & Coops](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/28462) +- [Interiors of Pelican Town: Caroline's Sunroom](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/29636) +- [Interiors of Pelican Town: Clinic and Harvey's Apartment](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17360) +- [Interiors of Pelican Town: Elliott's Seaside Shack](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17399) +- [Interiors of Pelican Town: Mayor Lewis' Manor](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17451) +- [Interiors of Pelican Town: The Mullner Residence](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17351) +- [Interiors of Pelican Town: The Trailer](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17361) +- [Interiors of Pelican Town: Witch's Hut](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17449) +- [Kisaa's Cozy Rustic Cellar](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/30070) +- [Kisaa's Cozy Rustic Farmhouse](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/30038) +- [Lnh's Ginger Island House](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17121) +- [Organized Big Shed](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/28399) +- [Overgrown Valley](https://ko-fi.com/s/f5b179e3f1) +- [Relaxing Greenhouse](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20130) +- [Wildflour's Four Seasons Farm Map](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/30062) ### added content - [Lumisteria's Serene Meadow](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20598) @@ -145,46 +163,8 @@ Adds a bunch of artisan goods you can make from the Flower Garden 2 items: candi Adds about 18 crops (all flowers) and 4 flower trees to the game. It's a remake of the modder's previous Flower Garden mod for Stardew 1.6. - [Visit Mount Vapius](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/9600) As a rule I am not super fond of mods adding new areas to the game, since there are usually a ton of dependencies, but I already follow Lumisteria, the author of this mod, pretty closely, and the dependency list isn't too convoluted (and requires a lot of dependencies I already use). The story/characters from this area in interests me. This adds not only an entirely new area to explore with NPCs and all, there's a forest, it has its own bundles to complete, there's new constructed items, recipes, forage, and even special orders! I'm really enjoying it so far, so it's the one area-extension mod I recommend currently. It even has its own warp totem! - -#### [Wildflour](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/Wildflourmods/) -Wildflour is a very prolific Stardew Valley Modder who has an entire suite of mods she's released that I *very* much enjoy playing with. I had begun to lose interest in Stardew but her sudden arrival on the scene beginning in 2022 or so really rekindled my interest in the game! Her mods are heavily inspired by the [Atelier](https://atelier.wiki.gg/wiki/Atelier_Wiki) series of games and feature witchy/alchemy-themed items and concoctions and add a lot of foraging and hidden areas to the game. If I were to recommend one modder to you ever it'd be her. These are her mods I'm using in my current playthrough! - -- [Atelier Bundles - Boutique Edition](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23344) -this alters the community center bundles to require items from Wildflour's Atelier Goods - Cosmetologist and Florist. I don't super love the cosmetologist stuff, so I may edit this myself to include some stuff from gourmand instead, but right now I am too lazy... >w< -- [Atelier Goods - Barista (cold)](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22731) -allows you to craft beverages like juice, lemonade, iced tea, boba, and smoothies. -- [Atelier Goods - Barista (hot)](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22732) -lets you craft hot teas, lattes, and coffee. -- [Atelier Goods - Brewer](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22734) -adds two new craftables for making artisinal meads and ales. -- [Atelier Goods - Canner](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22738) -adds a bunch of new fancy jams, jellies, marmalades, etc. using the crops added by Wilflour's mods. -- [Atelier Goods - Confectioner (frozen)](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22736) -adds a bunch of frozen confections like milkshakes, frozen yogurt, ice cream, etc. -- [Atelier Goods - Confectioner (sweet)](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22737) -adds three new machines that allow you to craft lollipops, marshmallows, cotton candy, gumballs, and more. -- [Atelier Goods - Cosmetologist](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22735) -adds a machine that lets you turn gems, herbs, etc. into lotions, perfumes, nail polish, etc. -- [Atelier Goods - Florist](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22733) -allows you to craft bouquets, dried flowers, incense, soap, candles, etc. -- [Atelier Goods - Forager](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22728) -adds two modules: faerie garden (magic fruits & herbs) and wild food (wild berries, herbs, etc.); there are crops, forageables, and craftables for each. -- [Atelier Goods - Gourmand](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22730) -adds a bunch of gourmet recipes: fancy syrups, flours, yogurt, and other baking ingredients. -- [Atelier Goods - Pickler](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22739) -adds a bunch of fancy pickle & salsa recipes. -- [Atelier Goods - Special Orders](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22740) -this just allows the items from the Atelier Goods series to be items that can be requested by npcs on the special orders board. -- [The Bee's Knees](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20928) -adds a new custom animal building: the apiary, and new honeybee animals that provide honey, beesewax, and sometimes rare flowers. -- [Forager's Nooks and Crannies](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23468) -adds 10 new maps that can appear randomly each day based on your skill levels, friendship with certain npcs, and more! The successor to their old Faerie Foraging mod. -- [Garden Variety Mixed Seeds](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21133) -adds four types of mixed seeds for flowers, herbs, veggies, and fruits. Includes stuff added by wildflour forager. -- [HxW Freshly Baked](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23651) -adds a bunch of bakery recipes: gourmet donuts, cakes, petit fours, muffins, breads, etc. -- [The Witch's Familiars](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23519) -adds several new animals to the coop and barn that are traditionally seen as witch's familiars/friends in folklore. compatible with wildflour: forager to add more animals & animal goods. +- [Wildflour's Atelier Goods](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/27049) +this used to be a series of many different mods, but thanks to [Cauldron](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22926) each part of this mod can be enabled/disabled to your liking! No more 10+ mod suite, just one convenient all-in-one pack! {% emoji >u< %} ### aesthetic changes - [Arkneru's Retexture of NPCs](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20454) diff --git a/_pages/songs.md b/_pages/songs.md index bf149b6..98cde86 100644 --- a/_pages/songs.md +++ b/_pages/songs.md @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ menu-title: my music --- I grew up loving music and loving singing, and stayed in school choirs beginning from when I was around 7 years old. Around age 14 or so, I became interested in Japanese idol music and began joining online cover groups, and that persisted into my adult life. I still love singing and would love to get back into making covers of things, and maybe even making some of my own stuff eventually?! -Anyway, I'll be releasing that kind of stuff here! For now, it's just a collection of my old works...>w< please enjoy!! +Anyway, I'll be releasing that kind of stuff here! For now, it's just a collection of my old works...{% emoji vwv %} please enjoy!! -**note**: if you are the person I dueted with in ずっと好きでいいですか (組ver) [disc 2 track 14] or know who they are, please [contact me]({% link _pages/contact.md %}) so I can add credit! I have unfortunately forgotten who I dueted with/where this came from...;w; +**note**: if you are the person I dueted with in ずっと好きでいいですか (組ver) [disc 2 track 14] or know who they are, please [contact me]({% link _pages/contact.md %}) so I can add credit! I have unfortunately forgotten who I dueted with/where this came from...{% emoji amefuri %}
diff --git a/_pages/stamps.md b/_pages/stamps.md index c76367c..2e265bb 100644 --- a/_pages/stamps.md +++ b/_pages/stamps.md @@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ permalink: /webcore/stamps menu: webcore menu-title: stamp collection --- -welcome to my collection of stamps! this used to all be consolidated on one page, but it's growing a little large, so I've divided the old webcore page into distinct pages to increase loading times. ![yay](/img/emoji/x3.gif) - -the feiris nyannyan & himejoshi stamps are made by me and licensed under WTFPL. +
the feiris nyannyan & himejoshi stamps are made by me and licensed under WTFPL.
{% include layout/gallery/gallery.html folder="img/webcore/stamps" data_file="stamps" %} diff --git a/_pages/toybox.md b/_pages/toybox.md index 348240e..f13af1d 100644 --- a/_pages/toybox.md +++ b/_pages/toybox.md @@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ permalink: /webcore/toybox menu: webcore menu-title: toybox --- -if you're unfamiliar with the pixel toybox era, [Lost Letters](https://lostletters.neocities.org/toybox/) has a much better explanation of what a toybox is, but to put it short and sweetly: in the early 00's, a pixel toybox was just a collection of random pixel graphics you had collected. Sometimes they were pixel cliques where you'd "adopt" an image from someone else and link back to them on your website, and sometimes they were just cute gifs you had saved and wanted to show off. for those of you who are older deviantart users, you may be familiar with the concept of "page deco." it's basically the same thing...>w< +if you're unfamiliar with the pixel toybox era, [Lost Letters](https://lostletters.neocities.org/toybox/) has a much better explanation of what a toybox is, but to put it short and sweetly: in the early 00's, a pixel toybox was just a collection of random pixel graphics you had collected. Sometimes they were pixel cliques where you'd "adopt" an image from someone else and link back to them on your website, and sometimes they were just cute gifs you had saved and wanted to show off. for those of you who are older deviantart users, you may be familiar with the concept of "page deco." it's basically the same thing...{% emoji vwv %} I've done my best to credit where I can, but some of the artists are lost to time...unless you happen to know of an unattributed owner? if so, you could [let me know]({% link _pages/contact.md %})! -{% include layout/pixel.html %} \ No newline at end of file +{% include layout/pixel.html %} +
+{% include layout/gallery/gallery.html folder="img/webcore/pixel" data_file="toybox" %} +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_pages/userboxes.md b/_pages/userboxes.md index 96f6ba8..ed0f7d4 100644 --- a/_pages/userboxes.md +++ b/_pages/userboxes.md @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ permalink: /webcore/userboxes menu: webcore menu-title: userboxes --- -welcome to my collection of userboxes! this used to all be consolidated on one page, but it's growing a little large, so I've divided the old webcore page into distinct pages to increase loading times. ![yay](/img/emoji/x3.gif) -
{% include layout/gallery/gallery.html folder="img/webcore/userbox" data_file="userbox" %}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_pages/uses.md b/_pages/uses.md index 20f900c..ad54fbd 100644 --- a/_pages/uses.md +++ b/_pages/uses.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ toc: true ## technology ### pc -custom built by my partner >w< (ty cutie! 🩷 ilu) with dual monitor setup. +custom built by my partner {% emoji x3 %} (ty cutie! 🩷 ilu) with dual monitor setup. - **processor**: 4th gen i5-4690k - **GPU**: RTX 2060 - **RAM**: 24 GB @@ -22,8 +22,11 @@ custom built by my partner >w< (ty cutie! 🩷 ilu) with dual monitor setup. - **keyboard**: [iris rev4](https://keeb.io/products/iris-keyboard-split-ergonomic-keyboard) with gateron [milky yellow](https://www.gateron.co/products/gateron-ks-3-milky-pro-switch-set) switches this link is for the rev8; the rev4 has been discontinued. however, this shop is where I bought mine from, presoldered. -### phone -- iphone Xs +### recording +- **microphone**: [Blue Snowball ICE](https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/streaming-gear/snowball-ice-usb-microphone.988-000070.html) in white +- **MIDI controller**: [Akai LPK25](https://www.akaipro.com/lpk25) +- **audio recording**: [Audacity](https://www.audacityteam.org/) +- **trackmaking**: [LMMS](https://lmms.io/) ### software (pc) - **internet browser**: [firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/) @@ -35,6 +38,10 @@ custom built by my partner >w< (ty cutie! 🩷 ilu) with dual monitor setup. - **image viewer**: [irfanview](https://www.irfanview.com/) - **instant messaging**: [discord](https://discord.com/) - **xmpp**: [gajim](https://gajim.org/) +- **digital art**: [krita](https://krita.org/) + +### phone +- iphone Xs ### apps (phone) - **internet browser**: [firefox mobile](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browsers/mobile/ios/), safari @@ -63,7 +70,7 @@ ukagaka, also known as ghosts, are smol virtual desktop assistants that were pop - **ballpoint pen**: [Zebra Sarasa Airfit](https://www.clothandpaper.com/products/zebra-sarasa-dry-airfit-grip-rollerball-pen-0-5mm) 0.4 & 0.5mm again, not affiliated with this shop, it's just a hard pen to find on english-language shops, as it seems to be an East Asia exclusive? -### ink +### inks & paints - [PenBBS 223 "Chongqing City Blue"](https://www.fountainpencompanion.com/brands/227-penbbs/inks/5910-penbbs-223-chongqing-city) this is my main ink that I use, the rest are accent colors or for if I get bored of seeing this color. It is also my darkest color and the largest bottle of ink I have so far, so I frequently use it in small amounts to darken some of my paler inks. - [Yuyi #14 "Jade Dew"](https://www.fountainpencompanion.com/brands/541-memory-fish/inks/12671-memory-fish-14-jade-dew) @@ -72,6 +79,7 @@ ukagaka, also known as ghosts, are smol virtual desktop assistants that were pop - [Yuyi "Philodendron"](https://www.fountainpencompanion.com/brands/541-memory-fish/inks/7385-memory-fish-philodendron) - [Collection Traced "Peach Fog"](https://www.fountainpencompanion.com/brands/578-collection-traced/inks/14002-collection-traced-taowu) - Collection Traced "Sakura Dream" +- [JQ 124](https://jerryqartmaterials.com/artist-paintsets-1) watercolor set ### journals - **currently writing in**: [Secret Forest: "Strawberry Land"](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805054114062.html) (color B in this listing) diff --git a/_plugins/emote_shortcode.rb b/_plugins/emote_shortcode.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a51ad7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_plugins/emote_shortcode.rb @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +module Jekyll + class EmojiTag < Liquid::Tag + def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens) + super + @text = text.strip + end + + def render(context) + # Load the emoji data from the _data/emoji.yml file + emojis = context.registers[:site].data['emoji'] + #puts emojis.inspect # Debugging line to output the emoji data to the console + + # Search for the emoji with the name matching @text + emoji = emojis.find { |e| e['shortcode'] == @text } + + if emoji + # Construct the img HTML tag if found + "#{emoji[" + else + # Return a default alt text if not found + "#{@text}" + end + end + end + end + + # Register the custom tag + Liquid::Template.register_tag('emoji', Jekyll::EmojiTag) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-03-06-my-first-post.md b/_posts/2024-03-06-my-first-post.md index 8d97570..84673ca 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-03-06-my-first-post.md +++ b/_posts/2024-03-06-my-first-post.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: journaling cooking show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -we're finally moved into our new place, my partner and I. well, all of our things are here. there's still quite a bit of unpacking/organizing to do...>w< +we're finally moved into our new place, my partner and I. well, all of our things are here. there's still quite a bit of unpacking/organizing to do...{% emoji wehcri %}
my first bullet journal ever! @@ -18,24 +18,24 @@ anyway, I figured this move would be a good opportunity to begin fresh with a lo so, a week or two ago, I ordered an A5 kraft paper-bound notebook with grid sheets, a plastic A5 cover for it, and a few packages of colorful/cute washi tape, and some stickers. I wasn't going to allow myself to decorate it until I'd sorted through some things first, and yesterday I finally had uncovered most of my stationery & journaling supplies. -So, I allowed myself to decorate and begin my first bujo :D +So, I allowed myself to decorate and begin my first bujo {% emoji yaay %} I followed a [tutorial](https://viewtube.io/watch?v=fm15cmYU0IM) given to me by my good friend [lucidiot](https://tilde.town/~lucidiot/) on how to set up & begin my bujo, so I now have a key on the first page inside, my index on the first spread followed by a monthly log for the next six months on the following spread, and then beginning the month of March following that. -I looked online for some inspiration on how to do meal planning in a bujo, and found the [following template](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn14QQIFcIu/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet), however, since I am planning more than just dinners, I decided to use the left column a bit more efficiently and list multiple meals (breakfast for me/lunches for my partner to take to work and then also for me at home/shared dinners), so mine turned out a bit different. ![cuteyay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) +I looked online for some inspiration on how to do meal planning in a bujo, and found the [following template](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn14QQIFcIu/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet), however, since I am planning more than just dinners, I decided to use the left column a bit more efficiently and list multiple meals (breakfast for me/lunches for my partner to take to work and then also for me at home/shared dinners), so mine turned out a bit different. {% emoji xD %} -my intent was to use tomorrow to prep and bake a large amount of breakfast quiches and freeze them so we could just reheat them for breakfast, since my partner has recently found out he is diabetic and we had to plan meals with lower sugar & carbohydrate content than we would previously, but it looks like my muffin tins won't be here until saturday, so I suppose we will make do with cereal for this week >w<;; +my intent was to use tomorrow to prep and bake a large amount of breakfast quiches and freeze them so we could just reheat them for breakfast, since my partner has recently found out he is diabetic and we had to plan meals with lower sugar & carbohydrate content than we would previously, but it looks like my muffin tins won't be here until saturday, so I suppose we will make do with cereal for this week {% emoji :3c %} either way, we now have the ingredients needed for quiche so as soon as I get my muffin tins, I can prep that any day. -the other thing I knew I was making this week was my good friend's nonna's tiramisu recipe, as a sort of reward/celebrating getting everything moved over to the new place. an inaugural dessert, if you will. >w< tiramisu *has* always been my favorite ![pompompurin with a big smile :3](/img/emoji/bigsmilepurin.gif) +the other thing I knew I was making this week was my good friend's nonna's tiramisu recipe, as a sort of reward/celebrating getting everything moved over to the new place. an inaugural dessert, if you will. {% emoji tehe %} tiramisu *has* always been my favorite {% emoji wub %}
my first week of meal planning in my bujo
my first meal planning layout
-other meals I'm planning for this week are: green tea chicken (a pan-sauteed, then steamed chicken breast made with sesame oil, garlic, and jasmine green tea), which will double as my partner's take-to-work lunches this week (with steamed green beans with garlic & soy sauce as a side dish), vegetable curry (Japanese-style, we usually make golden curry, medium-hot), and a hoisin/char siu pork tenderloin with sauteed asparagus and butter as a side dish. I should have my panini press by this weekend, so we'll have panini as an easy meal this weekend while I prep the breakfast quiches for next week :3 +other meals I'm planning for this week are: green tea chicken (a pan-sauteed, then steamed chicken breast made with sesame oil, garlic, and jasmine green tea), which will double as my partner's take-to-work lunches this week (with steamed green beans with garlic & soy sauce as a side dish), vegetable curry (Japanese-style, we usually make golden curry, medium-hot), and a hoisin/char siu pork tenderloin with sauteed asparagus and butter as a side dish. I should have my panini press by this weekend, so we'll have panini as an easy meal this weekend while I prep the breakfast quiches for next week {% emoji aww %} I also made, on the opposite page of my weekly meal plan, a list of items we need for the new place: everything from trash cans, window coverings, command hooks and rugs to more cooking-oriented items like a stand mixer and loaf pan. It'll be interesting to see how this goes for the future, but as easy as all this was to fill out, I can definitely see myself using the bullet journal in the future, even if it is just for meal planning. -I look forward to posting more photos of my bujo as i continue it, and pictures of food I make as well :D I may also decide to make a weekly cleaning list so I can keep track of what needs cleaning and maintain the cleanliness of our new place so that it never really becomes a chore. +I look forward to posting more photos of my bujo as i continue it, and pictures of food I make as well {% emoji xD %} I may also decide to make a weekly cleaning list so I can keep track of what needs cleaning and maintain the cleanliness of our new place so that it never really becomes a chore. -wiping things down once a week sure beats the once-every-few-months having to deep clean to get rid of gunk...![keroppi going weh @~@](/img/emoji/keroweh.gif) \ No newline at end of file +wiping things down once a week sure beats the once-every-few-months having to deep clean to get rid of gunk...{% emoji weh %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-03-13-adventures-in-tiramisu.md b/_posts/2024-03-13-adventures-in-tiramisu.md index c2a3057..5a5a68f 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-03-13-adventures-in-tiramisu.md +++ b/_posts/2024-03-13-adventures-in-tiramisu.md @@ -10,25 +10,25 @@ collection: blog my first tiramisu
didn't it turn out lovely?
-I finally made my friend's tiramisu recipe! It went really well, surprisingly! ![korilakkuma dance](/img/emoji/koriarmsdance.gif) +I finally made my friend's tiramisu recipe! It went really well, surprisingly! {% emoji yayay %} I really expected it to be a lot more difficult than it was, but it was actually really easy thanks to owning an electric hand mixer. -It didn't turn out *perfectly* but that's quite alright; everyone's first try on any recipe hardly ever goes as planned, or at least that's been my experience...\>w< +It didn't turn out *perfectly* but that's quite alright; everyone's first try on any recipe hardly ever goes as planned, or at least that's been my experience...{% emoji vwv %} I learned that you should **not** leave the savoiardi in the espresso; in retrospect I knew this, I think I was just *so* excited to make it that this detail escaped me, so once it was cut into, there is a small puddle of espresso at the bottom of the pan x3 ehehe...woops! so for next time, we know to dip the cookies into the coffee mixture then place them into the pan, and *not* to let them sit in the mixture for too long lest they crumble apart ;w; -mistakes were made, albeit delicious ones ehehe~♡ \>w< +mistakes were made, albeit delicious ones ehehe~♡ {% emoji aww %} another thing I made today was a BLT! I hadn't made one of these maybe ever? -I know I've eaten them before but I think every time I've had them they've been prepared by someone else :O I was feeling hungry at lunchtime and I wanted something warm, hearty, but also light, because I've been trying to eat a little lighter lately. x3 I took a look in the fridge and remembered I have a pound of bacon (that's about 450g for my SI unit-using homies) in there and two heads of baby romaine lettuce. I checked the cabinet, sure enough, we had a single roma tomato left :D so I knew what I must do >:D +I know I've eaten them before but I think every time I've had them they've been prepared by someone else :O I was feeling hungry at lunchtime and I wanted something warm, hearty, but also light, because I've been trying to eat a little lighter lately. {% emoji shobon %} I took a look in the fridge and remembered I have a pound of bacon (that's about 450g for my SI unit-using homies) in there and two heads of baby romaine lettuce. I checked the cabinet, sure enough, we had a single roma tomato left {% emoji !! %} so I knew what I must do! {% emoji >:D %}
maybe the first BLT sandwich I've ever made???
the satisfying cronch of romaine cannot be understated.
-so, we heated up two slices of bacon, and once that was done, we got the excellent idea of toasting the bread in the bacon grease (certainly not the *most* healthy, but it did let me avoid using mayonnaise, for whatever that is worth!). This sandwich...was very likely the best BLT I've ever had, including from in a restaurant. there wasn't too much bacon (a common complaint of mine, it should be enough to be hearty, but not oily/greasy), the tomatoes weren't those ultra-thicc American beefsteak tomatoes that are all water and no flavor (roma tomatoes are superior in every way, change my mind: you cannot), and the lettuce was crisp and perfect :D not the flavorless shredded iceberg one so commonly encounters in restaurants, but instead crisp, velvety, flavorfully earthy romaine :3 just a delight all-around, I heartily recommend making a sandwich in this way if you desire to try it! alternatively, arugula or butter lettuce would likely be very good as well! +so, we heated up two slices of bacon, and once that was done, we got the excellent idea of toasting the bread in the bacon grease (certainly not the *most* healthy, but it did let me avoid using mayonnaise, for whatever that is worth!). This sandwich...was very likely the best BLT I've ever had, including from in a restaurant. there wasn't too much bacon (a common complaint of mine, it should be enough to be hearty, but not oily/greasy), the tomatoes weren't those ultra-thicc American beefsteak tomatoes that are all water and no flavor (roma tomatoes are superior in every way, change my mind: you cannot), and the lettuce was crisp and perfect {% emoji yayay %} not the flavorless shredded iceberg one so commonly encounters in restaurants, but instead crisp, velvety, flavorfully earthy romaine {% emoji cheeks %} just a delight all-around, I heartily recommend making a sandwich in this way if you desire to try it! alternatively, arugula or butter lettuce would likely be very good as well! -this foray into simple & easy lunchtime cooking today has made me want to make grilled cheese sandwiches for tomorrow's lunch \>w< what can I say, we are a simple bean who enjoys simple pleasures, like fresh vegetables, cheese, and fatty pork belly. +this foray into simple & easy lunchtime cooking today has made me want to make grilled cheese sandwiches for tomorrow's lunch {% emoji wub %} what can I say, we are a simple bean who enjoys simple pleasures, like fresh vegetables, cheese, and fatty pork belly. sorry this one ended up being all about food, but that's something I'm really interested in and enjoy doing! before I became disabled I was a cook at a sushi restaurant (chef has more meaning behind it, I know it might be more coloquially "correct" to say I worked as a sushi chef, but a chef we were not, I assure you!) -next time I prommy to update you all on my bullet journaling! please look forward to it! \>w< \ No newline at end of file +next time I prommy to update you all on my bullet journaling! please look forward to it! {% emoji wink %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-04-22-what-ive-been-up-to.md b/_posts/2024-04-22-what-ive-been-up-to.md index 8e3935d..c47b624 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-04-22-what-ive-been-up-to.md +++ b/_posts/2024-04-22-what-ive-been-up-to.md @@ -6,29 +6,29 @@ tags: journaling show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) *now playing ー [[sunflower] by Snail's House](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aJ8iy6qsZo)* ![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) +{% emoji nowplay %} *now playing ー [[sunflower] by Snail's House](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aJ8iy6qsZo)* {% emoji nowplay %}
a drawing of a snom (pokemon) by mana
please enjoy this drawing of a snom I did in my journal.
-lately, I've been getting back into journaling regularly and have tried to incorporate some aspects bullet journaling into my journal >w\<...how many times can I say *journal* in this entry I wonder...![mymelolaugh](/img/emoji/mymelolaugh.gif) +lately, I've been getting back into journaling regularly and have tried to incorporate some aspects bullet journaling into my journal {% emoji x3 %}...how many times can I say *journal* in this entry I wonder...{% emoji lol %} -I've gathered a sizeable collection of washi tape and stickers for decorating, which has sparked quite a bit of joy for me lately! ![big smile purin](/img/emoji/bigsmilepurin.gif) +I've gathered a sizeable collection of washi tape and stickers for decorating, which has sparked quite a bit of joy for me lately! {% emoji aww %} -I also amassed a small collection of colorful highlighters and pens and have been using those to decorate my entries and make them more fun & unique. All in all, thanks to aliexpress, I've spent maybe $25-$30 USD on everything I've gathered so far >w\< +I also amassed a small collection of colorful highlighters and pens and have been using those to decorate my entries and make them more fun & unique. All in all, thanks to aliexpress, I've spent maybe $25-$30 USD on everything I've gathered so far {% emoji vwv %} -but part of getting back into journaling is learning to accommodate my needs, which have changed since I last journaled regularly. (in middle and high school, so well over 10 years ago at this point...) ![keroweh](/img/emoji/keroweh.gif) +but part of getting back into journaling is learning to accommodate my needs, which have changed since I last journaled regularly. (in middle and high school, so well over 10 years ago at this point...) {% emoji weh %} as I've stated before, I have pretty severe rheumatoid arthritis, having been diagnosed when I was 23, and writing easily makes my hands cramp up and my wrist hurt and all other sorts of nasty painful side effects, so finding a comfortable-to-use pen has been paramount. -as of right now, my go-to pen is a pink and white [Zebra Sarasa dry airfit grip 0.5mm](https://www.auraestelle.com/products/zebra-sarasa-dry-airfit-grip-gel-pen-black-ink-0-5mm) (this link is for educational purposes only, I highly recommend if you're interested in this pen checking your local stationery shop or aliexpress/some other cheap retailer based on your needs/availability; I don't get any kind of commission from linking them.) I love it so much, it's VERY gummy on the grip which makes me reflexively loosen my deathgrip on my pen (trust me this is very good). It writes INCREDIBLY smoothly (always a plus). My only gripe so far is that the letters it forms are a little large for my taste, so I find myself writing larger which isn't as comfortable for me. I much prefer smaller lettering, it's just always how I've written, so I have ordered the same pen in a 0.4mm to see if that helps, but it won't be here for another week or two...;w; +as of right now, my go-to pen is a pink and white [Zebra Sarasa dry airfit grip 0.5mm](https://www.auraestelle.com/products/zebra-sarasa-dry-airfit-grip-gel-pen-black-ink-0-5mm) (this link is for educational purposes only, I highly recommend if you're interested in this pen checking your local stationery shop or aliexpress/some other cheap retailer based on your needs/availability; I don't get any kind of commission from linking them.) I love it so much, it's VERY gummy on the grip which makes me reflexively loosen my deathgrip on my pen (trust me this is very good). It writes INCREDIBLY smoothly (always a plus). My only gripe so far is that the letters it forms are a little large for my taste, so I find myself writing larger which isn't as comfortable for me. I much prefer smaller lettering, it's just always how I've written, so I have ordered the same pen in a 0.4mm to see if that helps, but it won't be here for another week or two...{% emoji cri %} -before I settled on the zebra I've been using, my go-to pen was a [Pilot Precise V5 RT 0.5mm](https://www.jetpens.com/Pilot-Precise-V5-RT-Retractable-Rollerball-Pen-0.5-mm-Black-Pack-of-2/pd/17976), which is still a *very* nice pen, and lets me write smaller, but doesn't have the gummy cushion the airfit does, and so my hand tends to get fatigued writing with it for any amount of time. I've kept it and plan to continue using it but for now, I prefer the sarasa airfit. ![mamegoma heart](/img/emoji/mamegomaheart.gif) +before I settled on the zebra I've been using, my go-to pen was a [Pilot Precise V5 RT 0.5mm](https://www.jetpens.com/Pilot-Precise-V5-RT-Retractable-Rollerball-Pen-0.5-mm-Black-Pack-of-2/pd/17976), which is still a *very* nice pen, and lets me write smaller, but doesn't have the gummy cushion the airfit does, and so my hand tends to get fatigued writing with it for any amount of time. I've kept it and plan to continue using it but for now, I prefer the sarasa airfit. {% emoji mamegoma %} I'm really thankful to my friend [lucidiot](https://tilde.town/~lucidiot/) for infodumping to me about pens and taking the time to help me understand what features I should be looking for in a pen to accommodate my arthritis; thanks to him I'm writing more than ever! (thanks, homie!) -anyway! the airfit has enabled me to write more and for longer, so my daily journaling has been happening more often, and since the bullet journaling/habit tracking stuff is still kind of new to me and I haven't formed the habit just yet, I've been slacking in that regard. ![oAo face](/img/emoji/oAo.gif) -I'm also still kind of experimenting with bullet journaling and different methods of tracking stuff to determine what exactly I *need* to keep track of, as in, what I would *benefit* from keeping track of, so that aspect of my journaling is very much a work-in-progress. ![purin leggies](/img/emoji/purinleggies.gif) +anyway! the airfit has enabled me to write more and for longer, so my daily journaling has been happening more often, and since the bullet journaling/habit tracking stuff is still kind of new to me and I haven't formed the habit just yet, I've been slacking in that regard. {% emoji oAo %} +I'm also still kind of experimenting with bullet journaling and different methods of tracking stuff to determine what exactly I *need* to keep track of, as in, what I would *benefit* from keeping track of, so that aspect of my journaling is very much a work-in-progress. {% emoji leggies %} -If you have any suggestions you think I could use to track things or just layout ideas you want to show me or anything like that, feel free to [contact me]({% link _pages/contact.md %})! Until next time~! ![bye bye~!](/img/emoji/byebye.gif) \ No newline at end of file +If you have any suggestions you think I could use to track things or just layout ideas you want to show me or anything like that, feel free to [contact me]({% link _pages/contact.md %})! Until next time~! {% emoji bye %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-05-08-egglish.md b/_posts/2024-05-08-egglish.md index 6dd9942..68433e1 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-05-08-egglish.md +++ b/_posts/2024-05-08-egglish.md @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ tags: girlblogging show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) *now playing ー [✦ A Jellyfish Playlist~](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAGT23rNwnc)* ![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) +{% emoji nowplay %} *now playing ー [✦ A Jellyfish Playlist~](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAGT23rNwnc)* {% emoji nowplay %} -[lucidiot](https://tilde.town/~lucidiot/) gave me the idea to include a glossary of all the strange terms my friend Eggy and I use, since it's become such a part of my vocabulary I forget it might not be something others are familiar with. ![giggle](/img/emoji/mymelolaugh.gif) so, as per his suggestion, here goes a glossary of as many terms as I could think of in what I will be calling "Egglish," the shared language Eggy and I use. ꉂ(˃̤▿˂̤*ૢ)'` many of these terms are final fantasy xiv-centric because Egg and I met playing ffxiv. x3 +[lucidiot](https://tilde.town/~lucidiot/) gave me the idea to include a glossary of all the strange terms my friend Eggy and I use, since it's become such a part of my vocabulary I forget it might not be something others are familiar with. {% emoji lol %} so, as per his suggestion, here goes a glossary of as many terms as I could think of in what I will be calling "Egglish," the shared language Eggy and I use. {% emoji tehe %} many of these terms are final fantasy xiv-centric because Egg and I met playing ffxiv. x3
diff --git a/_posts/2024-07-22-my-birthday.md b/_posts/2024-07-22-my-birthday.md index b181c0c..27e7ae9 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-07-22-my-birthday.md +++ b/_posts/2024-07-22-my-birthday.md @@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ tags: girlblogging show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -tomorrow is my birthday~! I'm planning on having a pastel mermaid-themed cake with buttercream icing ^w^ and ordering pizza out for the occasion, in addition to heading to my local starbucks to get a free birthday drink uwu (it's dumb that it can only be redeemed on my birthday, but whatever \>w< it's fine...) +tomorrow is my birthday~! I'm planning on having a pastel mermaid-themed cake with buttercream icing ^w^ and ordering pizza out for the occasion, in addition to heading to my local starbucks to get a free birthday drink uwu (it's dumb that it can only be redeemed on my birthday, but whatever {% emoji shobon %} it's fine...) -a friend got me a watercolor set, a GORGEOUS pink ink from sailor for my fountain pens, and a VERY cute smol doggo plush. ![cute yay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) I haven't painted anything just yet with my new watercolor set; I need to order some watercolor paper and get to sketching! +a friend got me a watercolor set, a GORGEOUS pink ink from sailor for my fountain pens, and a VERY cute smol doggo plush. {% emoji yayay %} I haven't painted anything just yet with my new watercolor set; I need to order some watercolor paper and get to sketching! I've had some mixed emotions going into this birthday, since I'm beginning to feel kind of embarrassed about telling people my age (mostly because they seem so surprised that I'm in my 30's?). I suppose I could get very negative and introspective about it, wistfully mourning that people must find me very immature or something, but I have chosen to take this as a compliment that I have not yet succumbed to boomer-dom. -getting older is really weird, because frankly, I feel like time stopped sometime in 2016 and we're stuck in an "[eternal september](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September)" situation. I'm sure a lot of the reason for these feelings is how chaotic things have been since 2016 what with having the worst US president ever, covid, my own hospitalization in 2020 and near-death experience with pneumonia that year, and just how insane things have been since the covid-19 pandemic surfaced. I remember watching Tokyo Idol Festival in 2020; the girls were still performing outdoors at the various stages, but it was to a crew of cameramen and other staffers, as the festival was streamed online for the first time since its inception. It also happened to be Sally Amaki & 22/7's debut at Tokyo Idol Festival, but they performed amazingly despite the lack of a crowd in the hall with them, and I was so proud of them!! ;w; Sally even got to lead the morning aerobics \>w< which was so cute~! +getting older is really weird, because frankly, I feel like time stopped sometime in 2016 and we're stuck in an "[eternal september](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September)" situation. I'm sure a lot of the reason for these feelings is how chaotic things have been since 2016 what with having the worst US president ever, covid, my own hospitalization in 2020 and near-death experience with pneumonia that year, and just how insane things have been since the covid-19 pandemic surfaced. I remember watching Tokyo Idol Festival in 2020; the girls were still performing outdoors at the various stages, but it was to a crew of cameramen and other staffers, as the festival was streamed online for the first time since its inception. It also happened to be Sally Amaki & 22/7's debut at Tokyo Idol Festival, but they performed amazingly despite the lack of a crowd in the hall with them, and I was so proud of them!! ;w; Sally even got to lead the morning aerobics {% emoji :3c %} which was so cute~! -but despite all of these things, time marches forward, even if it feels like it's at a standstill, and I will be another year older tomorrow evening. x3 +but despite all of these things, time marches forward, even if it feels like it's at a standstill, and I will be another year older tomorrow evening. {% emoji ded %} I'm not sure how regularly blog updates are meant to be given, so I'm sorry if you were expecting more updates from me more often, but I usually don't really know what to write in these sorts of things ehehe~♡ -my kitchen is still a mess, and we're still working on getting completely moved out of our old house (at this point, there's just trash to collect & set out for pickup and a few minor things left, like my air purifier; I have intense allergies ;w;), so I haven't been able to venture into baking very much yet, especially not any larger projects like bread baking (operation cat loaf will have to wait it seems ;w;). I have been looking at cookie recipes and trying to perfect a sugar-free (or at least, very low sugar) peanut butter cookie, as those are my partner's favorite, and we recently learned he is diabetic. ;w; peanut butter cookies are his favorite, and a huge comfort food for him, and comfort foods have been hard to come by since we learned of his condition. therefore, I have made it my mission to perfect peanut butter cookies he can eat! +my kitchen is still a mess, and we're still working on getting completely moved out of our old house (at this point, there's just trash to collect & set out for pickup and a few minor things left, like my air purifier; I have intense allergies {% emoji cri %}), so I haven't been able to venture into baking very much yet, especially not any larger projects like bread baking (operation cat loaf will have to wait it seems {% emoji wehcri %}). I have been looking at cookie recipes and trying to perfect a sugar-free (or at least, very low sugar) peanut butter cookie, as those are my partner's favorite, and we recently learned he is diabetic. {% emoji cri %} peanut butter cookies are his favorite, and a huge comfort food for him, and comfort foods have been hard to come by since we learned of his condition. therefore, I have made it my mission to perfect peanut butter cookies he can eat! I found a [pretty good recipe](https://sugarspunrun.com/flourless-peanut-butter-cookies/#recipe) that is flourless (carbs are something he also has to watch bc of how they are converted into glucose; his doctor & nutritionist have warned him to be cautious of them). the cookies taste great, but the texture is very crumbly, almost like a pecan [sandie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandie_(cookie)), which he loves. the problem is trying to remove them from the cookie sheet when they're done, as they are VERY unstable & crumbly until they cool and harden. I tried adding a tiny bit of keto flour (1/3c if you're curious), but it changed the flavor entirely too much, so I'm planning on trying to add xanthan gum next time instead (albeit a LOT less, probably a tablespoon, as I've heard it's VERY powerful stuff). -I haven't made any tiramisu lately because I ran out of savoiardi and had made it for like...four or five weeks in a row. ![cute yay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) i thought it might be best to take a small break from it so I don't get too burnt out. \>w< +I haven't made any tiramisu lately because I ran out of savoiardi and had made it for like...four or five weeks in a row. {% emoji xD %} i thought it might be best to take a small break from it so I don't get too burnt out. {% emoji cheeks %} -I've been playing [Baldur's Gate 3](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086940/Baldurs_Gate_3/) with a group of friends from my free company in ffxiv (I decided to take a break from the game once dawntrail was released), and it's been SO much fun that I've started a solo playthrough as well. \>w< with another group of friends, I'm also playing [Divinity: Original Sin 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/435150/Divinity_Original_Sin_2__Definitive_Edition/). Neither of these games are the type of game I would've bought and played on my own, but I'm having a lot of fun with them! It's similar to playing a dungeons & dragons module, so if you're a tabletop enjoyer who can't get a group together, these games might scratch that itch for you. +I've been playing [Baldur's Gate 3](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086940/Baldurs_Gate_3/) with a group of friends from my free company in ffxiv (I decided to take a break from the game once dawntrail was released), and it's been SO much fun that I've started a solo playthrough as well. {% emoji x3 %} with another group of friends, I'm also playing [Divinity: Original Sin 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/435150/Divinity_Original_Sin_2__Definitive_Edition/). Neither of these games are the type of game I would've bought and played on my own, but I'm having a lot of fun with them! It's similar to playing a dungeons & dragons module, so if you're a tabletop enjoyer who can't get a group together, these games might scratch that itch for you. -anyway, I hope this blog post finds you well. \>w< until next time~! \ No newline at end of file +anyway, I hope this blog post finds you well. {% emoji lol %} until next time~! {% emoji bye %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-08-09-state-of-the-bujo.md b/_posts/2024-08-09-state-of-the-bujo.md index dc5a164..43f6c8b 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-08-09-state-of-the-bujo.md +++ b/_posts/2024-08-09-state-of-the-bujo.md @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ tags: journaling show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) *now playing -- [heart attack](https://youtu.be/BVVfMFS3mgc?si=PUE8v3gIy6VjpH-A) by chuu (loona)* ![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) +{% emoji nowplay %} *now playing -- [heart attack](https://youtu.be/BVVfMFS3mgc?si=PUE8v3gIy6VjpH-A) by chuu (loona)* {% emoji nowplay %} ***this entry is image-heavy, apologies for those with screen readers! I've done my best to alt-text the images!*** -[retrospring is shutting down](https://blog.retrospring.net/retrospring-is-shutting-down-on-1st-march-2025) on 1 March 2025, sad times. ![sad cinnamoroll](/img/emoji/cinnasad.gif) the good news is there's some replacements springing up here and there... \>w< I've already begun migrating to [melospring](https://spring.love4eva.net/@mana) and changed my footer to reflect that. I'll still be on [retrospring](https://retrospring.net/@rainbowpink) until it's taken offline next year, but melospring is where I'll be from now on. +[retrospring is shutting down](https://blog.retrospring.net/retrospring-is-shutting-down-on-1st-march-2025) on 1 March 2025, sad times. {% emoji sadge %} the good news is there's some replacements springing up here and there... {% emoji vwv %} I've already begun migrating to [melospring](https://spring.love4eva.net/@mana) and changed my footer to reflect that. I'll still be on [retrospring](https://retrospring.net/@rainbowpink) until it's taken offline next year, but melospring is where I'll be from now on. I kind of fell off the habit of bullet journaling recently; it's a little difficult to maintain bc I'm still deciding how I want to track my days, so I'm a little sporadic about maintaining it, but I'm trying to get back into it. What better time to pick it back up than [bujo day](https://www.instagram.com/p/CguRV4er75L/) (8/8)? @@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ Speaking of bujo: I've been buying some new inks, and even received one for my b mixed ink sample
writing sample of the ink I mixed by hand, a blend of PenBBS Chongqing City Blue and memory hyacinth orchid.
-I would like to get one more dark colored reddish ink for mixing some of the lighter pinks and deepening them without altering the color too much, I've been looking at a bottle of memory 'acacia' ink, since I really like the shading of these inks, and they're pretty cheap on aliexpress [(~$8 for 18ml)](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2255799893415643.html); which reminds me: I have a bottle of memory 'philodendron,' a lovely lake blue color headed my way, along with two more [platinum little meteors](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806129846262.html) (the other two sanrio special edition collabo's I want, a blue one for cinnamoroll, and a purple for hello kitty - these do not come with converters in case you were looking at them!) ![cute yay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) +I would like to get one more dark colored reddish ink for mixing some of the lighter pinks and deepening them without altering the color too much, I've been looking at a bottle of memory 'acacia' ink, since I really like the shading of these inks, and they're pretty cheap on aliexpress [(~$8 for 18ml)](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2255799893415643.html); which reminds me: I have a bottle of memory 'philodendron,' a lovely lake blue color headed my way, along with two more [platinum little meteors](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806129846262.html) (the other two sanrio special edition collabo's I want, a blue one for cinnamoroll, and a purple for hello kitty - these do not come with converters in case you were looking at them!) {% emoji xD %}
my current pen collection
my current pen collection, from top to bottom: Three Jinhao 82s, a M nib in rose pink, and two F nibs in transparent peacock blue and transparent rose red, and a Platinum Little Meteor Sanrio special edition in My Melody pink.
-yes, I realize this is probably more pens than any one person needs, but I am still very much learning & playing around with inks and the pens I've ordered are all gorgeous, so I feel okay splurging a little and spoiling myself. ![cuteyay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) +yes, I realize this is probably more pens than any one person needs, but I am still very much learning & playing around with inks and the pens I've ordered are all gorgeous, so I feel okay splurging a little and spoiling myself. {% emoji aww %} -speaking of which, people have asked to see my stationery stash, so here's a photo of my stationery drawer currently (there's more than this, but it's put away in my crafting room until I use these up \>w<) (as you can see it's mostly stickers, followed by washi, with a spot for my bujo and regular journal (under the sumikko gurashi sticker booklets) +speaking of which, people have asked to see my stationery stash, so here's a photo of my stationery drawer currently (there's more than this, but it's put away in my crafting room until I use these up {% emoji vwv %}) (as you can see it's mostly stickers, followed by washi, with a spot for my bujo and regular journal (under the sumikko gurashi sticker booklets) -pretty much everything here I've gathered from aliexpress, with the exception of the glue stick, which my husband grabbed from a local crafting store. (thanks husband!) ![cuteyay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) +pretty much everything here I've gathered from aliexpress, with the exception of the glue stick, which my husband grabbed from a local crafting store. (thanks husband!) {% emoji xD %}
my stationery drawer in my desk. diff --git a/_posts/2024-09-08-shingles.md b/_posts/2024-09-08-shingles.md index b662fea..41ab779 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-09-08-shingles.md +++ b/_posts/2024-09-08-shingles.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: girlblogging kpop show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) *now playing -- [toumin shoujo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq7bl44zOII) by BiSH* ![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) +{% emoji nowplay %} *now playing -- [toumin shoujo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq7bl44zOII) by BiSH* {% emoji nowplay %} so, first thing's first: I currently have shingles. for those of you too young to know what shingles is: congratulations, sincerely. I mean that. I had chicken pox in 1991 and the first varicella vaccine wasn't available widely in the USA until 1995, so needless to say, I've had chicken pox before (when I was very young). Shingles is what we call the re-emergence of the same virus that causes chicken pox later on in life (since it can live in your nerve cells, usually dormant). Since we don't fully understand what causes the virus to re-emerge, I don't know why it chose now to do so, but I am lucky in that my partner had a bout of it a few years ago, so I knew what was happening (and how serious it was) as soon as the rash formed. @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ So in addition to being the itchiest I have been in some time, I've been working I'm almost done watching the K-pop survival program "R U Next?" which the group Illit was formed from. I'm really enjoying it, though the last few episodes have been harder to watch bc they're so emotional. You can really tell all the girls are doing their best and poor Chanelle is going through it ;w; she did, however, end up debuting in the new [FIFTY FIFTY](https://kpop.fandom.com/wiki/FIFTY_FIFTY) lineup. their new comeback, [starry night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzm-7YfBJBU), is really good and I like it a lot, so I'm glad it ended up being a happy ending for Chanelle bc she is clearly having a really hard time in this show ;w; -I ended up buying [Fields of Mistria](https://www.fieldsofmistria.com/) a few days ago and have been getting pretty into that, in addition to finally getting a good modlist together for [Stardew Valley](http://stardewvalley.com/), so I've been alternating those two a bunch lately. ![cute yay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) basically as soon as I run into a bug or force close in Fields of Mistria (since it is currently in Early Access, there's still some kinks to be worked out ^^;;), I'll swap to playing Stardew for a bit. I'm also working on a modlist of my current playthrough of SDV, so look forward to that and some mod recommendations once I get the layout finished! +I ended up buying [Fields of Mistria](https://www.fieldsofmistria.com/) a few days ago and have been getting pretty into that, in addition to finally getting a good modlist together for [Stardew Valley](http://stardewvalley.com/), so I've been alternating those two a bunch lately. {% emoji xD %} basically as soon as I run into a bug or force close in Fields of Mistria (since it is currently in Early Access, there's still some kinks to be worked out), {% emoji shobon %} I'll swap to playing Stardew for a bit. I'm also working on a modlist of my current playthrough of SDV, so look forward to that and some mod recommendations once I get the layout finished! I hit 1000 questions answered on my [retrospring](https://retrospring.net/@rainbowpink)! I had plans to answer every single generatable question as a celebration of my 1000 question milestone, so I guess that will be my next blog post :3 please look forward to it! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-09-12-retrospring.md b/_posts/2024-09-12-retrospring.md index 18e9080..2e8a03d 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-09-12-retrospring.md +++ b/_posts/2024-09-12-retrospring.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: girlblogging show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pink itunes logo with hearts](/img/emoji/itunes.gif) *now playing -- [HOT TO GO!](https://soundcloud.com/chappellroan/hot-to-go) by Chappell Roan* ![cat jammin](/img/emoji/catjammin.gif) +{% emoji itunes %} *now playing -- [HOT TO GO!](https://soundcloud.com/chappellroan/hot-to-go) by Chappell Roan* {% emoji catjam %} in honor of reaching the 1000 answer milestone on my retrospring before its [shutdown](https://blog.retrospring.net/retrospring-is-shutting-down-on-1st-march-2025) next year, I will now be answering ***all*** of the [retrospring default questions](https://github.com/Retrospring/retrospring/blob/main/config/questions/en.yml)! Prepare yourself to know entirely too much useless information about me!! diff --git a/_posts/2024-09-23-therapy.md b/_posts/2024-09-23-therapy.md index c6e896c..e34e0e7 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-09-23-therapy.md +++ b/_posts/2024-09-23-therapy.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: therapy show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pink itunes logo with hearts](/img/emoji/itunes.gif) *now playing -- [Irish Coast](https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/windSeaRainNoiseGenerator.php)* ![clione](/img/emoji/clione.gif) +{% emoji itunes %} *now playing -- [Irish Coast](https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/windSeaRainNoiseGenerator.php)* {% emoji clione %} this week I've started attending therapy again. over the years I've been in & out of therapy, but ever since losing my dog last year I've been not doing so great. the anniversary of her death is next tuesday, october 1, 2024, and that's been weighing on me. I also stopped playing ffxiv around when Dawntrail came out bc of burnout, and I miss my friends from the game, but not so much the game itself. Sometimes, I'll have bouts of loneliness, but a lot of the time lately I just feel like I wanna withdraw into myself. @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ I used to think it was just low self-esteem keeping me from sharing with other p I know I worry other people when I'm like this, but please know I am currently getting help. thankfully, it won't be like this forever. I don't feel like I'm in any kind of danger, just feeling very...flat and listless lately. -I had gotten into playing some [Stardew Valley](../../games/sdv) and also [Fields of Mistria](https://www.fieldsofmistria.com/) for a while and that was good but suddenly they both stopped being fun. I've been working on converting this website to using [jekyll](https://www.jekyllrb.com) since zola and tera templating has proven a little too difficult for me; I've learned a lot in my time using it, but my skillset is just not good enough to try to figure out what I need to do to make certain things happen, and I have some experience in ruby, which is what jekyll is written in. there are things about jekyll I already love and find much easier to use, but there's some features zola has I really like as well, but the templating & documentation just isn't there for a beginner like me...sometimes I don't even know *the right question* to ask to figure out what I am trying to do, and that makes me feel pretty stupid. I've never been someone who's good at studying; school usually came to me pretty easily, so it's not a skill I really picked up. I've always been more of a learn by trial and error type; I like to get my hands dirty in that way I guess. ![bun ehe](/img/emoji/bnnuy3c.gif) +I had gotten into playing some [Stardew Valley](../../games/sdv) and also [Fields of Mistria](https://www.fieldsofmistria.com/) for a while and that was good but suddenly they both stopped being fun. I've been working on converting this website to using [jekyll](https://www.jekyllrb.com) since zola and tera templating has proven a little too difficult for me; I've learned a lot in my time using it, but my skillset is just not good enough to try to figure out what I need to do to make certain things happen, and I have some experience in ruby, which is what jekyll is written in. there are things about jekyll I already love and find much easier to use, but there's some features zola has I really like as well, but the templating & documentation just isn't there for a beginner like me...sometimes I don't even know *the right question* to ask to figure out what I am trying to do, and that makes me feel pretty stupid. I've never been someone who's good at studying; school usually came to me pretty easily, so it's not a skill I really picked up. I've always been more of a learn by trial and error type; I like to get my hands dirty in that way I guess. {% emoji :3c %} I started a [streak](https://streak.club/s/829/weekly-blog) with lucidiot and am trying to write a little in a notebook every day and blog or do something website-related at least once a week, so I'm trying to get ahead of myself instead of waiting 'til the last minute for once and actually do something. @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ I tried and failed to compile [aseprite](https://github.com/aseprite/aseprite), I made a huge list of ideas for this website in my journal a few weeks ago and I'm finally getting the layout where I really want it to be, so I hope to start filling this place out some more and adding more content to it :D some of the ideas I've had have been anime/manga/film/tv show reviews, talking about makeup/skincare products I like and sharing my skincare routine and maybe some makeup tutorials? :O I'd like to also start a stationery inventory similar to luci's [notebooks](https://envs.net/~lucidiot/notebooks.html) wiki page, fountain pen & ink reviews, an inventory/introduction to all my plushies, listing some of my favorite recipes, talking about current sewing/crochet projects, stuff like that. I also have some blog post ideas, stuff like talking about my experience with synesthesia, some of my favorite anime characters and why I like them...there's a bunch of ideas but not a lot of motivation currently. I'm hoping therapy helps to remedy that! x3 -until next time~! ![bye bye](/img/emoji/byebye.gif) \ No newline at end of file +until next time~! {% emoji bye %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-10-05-meta.md b/_posts/2024-10-05-meta.md index 22d553d..f15d6dd 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-10-05-meta.md +++ b/_posts/2024-10-05-meta.md @@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ tags: girlblogging show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) *now playing -- [Magnetic (Starlight Remix)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PmUPcI8MnY) by illit* ![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) +{% emoji nowplay %} *now playing -- [Magnetic (Starlight Remix)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PmUPcI8MnY) by illit* {% emoji nowplay %} today, while I was discussing what I should write about for this week's blog with a friend, I was reminded of around when I stopped having a blog, which would've been around 2006 or so, when twitter was first a thing. -for many years prior, beginning around 2000 or so? I had a livejournal account and that was my real entry into blogging. I remember spending hours customizing layouts to get everything perfect and making sure I had only the best 100x100 pixel icons to choose from for my posts. ![giggle](/img/emoji/mymelolaugh.gif) +for many years prior, beginning around 2000 or so? I had a livejournal account and that was my real entry into blogging. I remember spending hours customizing layouts to get everything perfect and making sure I had only the best 100x100 pixel icons to choose from for my posts. {% emoji lol %} anyway, it got me thinking about how modern social networking has kind of rendered the weblog obsolete? at least for the bulk of the public. I can't remember the last time I regularly read any blogs or followed any bloggers...maybe as late as 2010-2012 or so? beauty bloggers have managed to remain relevant, blogging swatches of makeup hauls and reviews of products, so these were probably some of the last blogs I used to follow. Off the top of my head I can think of [little porcelain princess](https://littleporcelainprincess.blogspot.com/) (which says it has moved, but the redirect domain is dead D:), [xiaxue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaxue) who apparently no longer blogs, and [bubzbeauty](https://www.youtube.com/user/bubzbeauty) who seems to have rebranded to vlogging. There were others, for sure, but I don't remember all of them because it's been over 10 years since I last followed any blogs tbh. -I didn't delete my livejournal until 2021 or so, well after it had been sold to a Russian media company and I had stopped blogging there. my last update I think was in 2012, when I had decided I would try keeping up with livejournal again, but it didn't last. ![;w;](/img/emoji/cri.gif) my last entry before that one I think was in 2008? +I didn't delete my livejournal until 2021 or so, well after it had been sold to a Russian media company and I had stopped blogging there. my last update I think was in 2012, when I had decided I would try keeping up with livejournal again, but it didn't last. {% emoji cri %} my last entry before that one I think was in 2008? -idk I just think it's interesting to think about how the internet has changed over the years, beginning with personal websites for your average user (stuff like webshrines, webrings, etc.) and then eventually developing into blogs (which there were plenty of social networks that focused on this), which eventually progressed into short-form content like microblogging (twitter and now X, status.cafe, pleroma/akkoma, the ancient tusked creacher which shall remain unnamed) or at the very least more loosely-organized stream-of-consciousness-type blogging (like tumblr or misskey). I don't think any one of these is inherently better than the other, and they all have strengths and weaknesses; it really just depends on the blogger's/user's needs - if you're like me and you don't have a ton of long, well-thought-out stuff to write, maybe shorter-form stuff is more for you? ![shrug](/img/emoji/shrug.gif) +idk I just think it's interesting to think about how the internet has changed over the years, beginning with personal websites for your average user (stuff like webshrines, webrings, etc.) and then eventually developing into blogs (which there were plenty of social networks that focused on this), which eventually progressed into short-form content like microblogging (twitter and now X, status.cafe, pleroma/akkoma, the ancient tusked creacher which shall remain unnamed) or at the very least more loosely-organized stream-of-consciousness-type blogging (like tumblr or misskey). I don't think any one of these is inherently better than the other, and they all have strengths and weaknesses; it really just depends on the blogger's/user's needs - if you're like me and you don't have a ton of long, well-thought-out stuff to write, maybe shorter-form stuff is more for you? {% emoji shrug %} -idk, I've just been thinking about what sorts of things really warrant blog posts as opposed to their own subsection here, and I'm sure I'll figure it out as I go but it's a little overwhelming sometimes, thinking of all the freedom that comes with having your own webbed site! ![hehe](/img/emoji/hehe.gif) \ No newline at end of file +idk, I've just been thinking about what sorts of things really warrant blog posts as opposed to their own subsection here, and I'm sure I'll figure it out as I go but it's a little overwhelming sometimes, thinking of all the freedom that comes with having your own webbed site! {% emoji tehe %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-10-13-on-surrealism.md b/_posts/2024-10-13-on-surrealism.md index 86139b4..0c8dcf5 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-10-13-on-surrealism.md +++ b/_posts/2024-10-13-on-surrealism.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: girlblogging show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) *now playing -- [Strawby Computer Entertainment Europe](https://strawberrystation.bandcamp.com/album/strawby-computer-entertainment-europe) by Strawberry Station* ![pastel music notes](/img/emoji/nowplaying.gif) +{% emoji nowplay %} *now playing -- [Strawby Computer Entertainment Europe](https://strawberrystation.bandcamp.com/album/strawby-computer-entertainment-europe) by Strawberry Station* {% emoji nowplay %} lately, I've been reading [Shimeji Simulation](https://mangadex.org/title/28b5d037-175d-4119-96f8-e860e408ebe9/shimeji-simulation) almost nonstop (and am currently on chapter 34), so I thought today I'd talk about surrealist media and how much I love it. diff --git a/_posts/2024-10-18-coffee.md b/_posts/2024-10-18-coffee.md index c376f8f..fe29bea 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-10-18-coffee.md +++ b/_posts/2024-10-18-coffee.md @@ -6,19 +6,19 @@ tags: girlblogging show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -this week, my good friend [lucidiot](https://lucidiot.wordpress.com/2024/10/16/my-beverage-my-beverage-and-me/) and I decided we'd both blog about coffee, so this is my contribution! >w< +this week, my good friend [lucidiot](https://lucidiot.wordpress.com/2024/10/16/my-beverage-my-beverage-and-me/) and I decided we'd both blog about coffee, so this is my contribution! {% emoji vwv %} when I was a small child, I idolized my dad. I remember seeing him drinking coffee out of his cool IT guy mugs each morning and associating the smell of brewing coffee with him and wanting to emulate that, so when I was in third grade, one morning at breakfast, I asked him if I could have a cup of coffee. -I remember my mom being like >:T "idk if that's a good idea" and my dad being delighted and making me a cup in an old flintstones glass mug we had from mcdonald's (this was back when fast food restaurants in the USA did fancy movie tie-ins like this) and filling it about half-full with coffee, topping it off with water, and handing it to me for me to try. +I remember my mom being like {% emoji angy %} "idk if that's a good idea" and my dad being delighted and making me a cup in an old flintstones glass mug we had from mcdonald's (this was back when fast food restaurants in the USA did fancy movie tie-ins like this) and filling it about half-full with coffee, topping it off with water, and handing it to me for me to try. -I remember scrunching my nose at how bitter it was, but it had a pleasant flavor, and I think I likely put on a brave face out of wanting to be accepted. ![hehe](/img/emoji/x3.gif) +I remember scrunching my nose at how bitter it was, but it had a pleasant flavor, and I think I likely put on a brave face out of wanting to be accepted. {% emoji x3 %} He asked me if I wanted cream or sugar and I think I just asked him to fix it for me like he did his and so he doctored it to his liking and handed it back to me. -Needless to say, this became somewhat of a morning ritual from then on, but only when he was home. Mom wouldn't let me have coffee on my own. ![pout](/img/emoji/tantrum.gif) +Needless to say, this became somewhat of a morning ritual from then on, but only when he was home. Mom wouldn't let me have coffee on my own. {% emoji pout %} -That began a lifelong interest and enjoyment of coffee, as it was something I always associated with my dad growing up, and I really admired him as a small child, thinking he was so cool and smart, and really wanted to be just like him when I grew up (thankfully that did not end up the case, but that's neither here nor there ![single tear](/img/emoji/singletear.gif)). +That began a lifelong interest and enjoyment of coffee, as it was something I always associated with my dad growing up, and I really admired him as a small child, thinking he was so cool and smart, and really wanted to be just like him when I grew up (thankfully that did not end up the case, but that's neither here nor there...) {% emoji wehcri %} Years later, one of the first jobs I ever had was at the campus coffee shop during my first year of university. It was some of my first exposure to espresso, lattes, and the like, and I was *addicted*. @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ What is your favorite coffee or coffee-adjacent drink? What sorts of memories do For me, I am always taken back to that morning at 8 years old asking for my own cup and sipping it at the kitchen table with my dad, even if only for a moment. I am reminded of my great-grandmother's home during the holidays and the scent of chicory coffee brewing on the stovetop; I am reminded of the smells of my paternal grandparents' home and the smell of microwaved breakfast sandwiches, my aunt cooking eggs and sausage on the stove, and the smell of a fresh pot of folgers brewing in the kitchen while I'd sleepily pick at my food. -I hope your next cup is comforting and drinkable. ![cofe](/img/emoji/cofe.gif) +I hope your next cup is comforting and drinkable. {% emoji cofe %}
*pours you a fresh cup of cofe*
diff --git a/_posts/2024-11-06-ocean.md b/_posts/2024-11-06-ocean.md index 5dba346..f7d7653 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-11-06-ocean.md +++ b/_posts/2024-11-06-ocean.md @@ -20,23 +20,23 @@ i'm definitely more than a little envious of that. where I live now has an aquarium, and once it opens in the spring, my partner and I plan to go visit it. I've always wanted to go to an aquarium! -I've been to zoos in the past, and some of them had underwater areas/tanks you could look at, but nothing like a real aquarium with its myriad creatures. this particular aquarium also has a touch tank!!!!! which means!!!! I will be able to pat [sea flap flaps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manta_ray)!!!! ![manta ray](/img/emoji/ray.gif) +I've been to zoos in the past, and some of them had underwater areas/tanks you could look at, but nothing like a real aquarium with its myriad creatures. this particular aquarium also has a touch tank!!!!! which means!!!! I will be able to pat [sea flap flaps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manta_ray)!!!! {% emoji ray %} if I think about it, underwater levels in video games always have the most calming BGM. I don't really have much to say about that other than noting it. x3 -recently I read the manga [shimeji simulation](https://mangadex.org/title/28b5d037-175d-4119-96f8-e860e408ebe9/shimeji-simulation) by tsukumizu, and the main character, shijima, is absolutely fascinated by sea creatures as well (she just like me fr fr). that made her immediately very charming to me, since I also love them. ![clione](/img/emoji/clione.gif) +recently I read the manga [shimeji simulation](https://mangadex.org/title/28b5d037-175d-4119-96f8-e860e408ebe9/shimeji-simulation) by tsukumizu, and the main character, shijima, is absolutely fascinated by sea creatures as well (she just like me fr fr). that made her immediately very charming to me, since I also love them. {% emoji clione %} -I suppose I could talk about some of my favorite creatures...I really like starfish! when I took biology in high school, they made us do a dissection on starfish, which I refused to participate in. I still don't fully understand why they insist that you dissect a creature yourself for those sorts of classes...anything I am going to learn from that I can learn from photographs, no? the cruelty of performing experiments on an animal (whether it's living or not) is just too much for me! ![tantrum](/img/emoji/tantrum.gif) +I suppose I could talk about some of my favorite creatures...I really like starfish! when I took biology in high school, they made us do a dissection on starfish, which I refused to participate in. I still don't fully understand why they insist that you dissect a creature yourself for those sorts of classes...anything I am going to learn from that I can learn from photographs, no? the cruelty of performing experiments on an animal (whether it's living or not) is just too much for me! {% emoji fit %} but I enjoy starfish, clione (aka [sea angels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_angel), a type of sea slug), marine flatworms, jellyfish, [sea anemone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_anemone)... -hehe, that reminds me of a video we had to watch in biology back when I was in high school...it was about [pseudobiceros hancockanus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudobiceros_hancockanus), a species of hermaphroditic marine flatworms that reproduce by dueling with their penises, and the loser gets inseminated... ![x3](/img/emoji/x3.gif) +hehe, that reminds me of a video we had to watch in biology back when I was in high school...it was about [pseudobiceros hancockanus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudobiceros_hancockanus), a species of hermaphroditic marine flatworms that reproduce by dueling with their penises, and the loser gets inseminated... {% emoji heh %} nature can be so brutal OwO;;; I think part of what entrances me so much about aquatic life is the near-cosmic horror quality that many of these creatures have. My every instinct upon seeing one is to turn and run, some of them even make my skin crawl a bit, because they are so strange as to register as alien...but they're also hauntingly beautiful in a way that's...disturbing, sure, but also etheral. -[moon jellyfish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurelia_aurita) (*aurelia aurita*), are beautiful but small, and have a cute quality, as do [egg yolk jellyfish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phacellophora) (*phacellophora*). larger jellies like [cyanea lamarckii](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_jellyfish) or [cyanea nozakii](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanea_nozaki) can look like ghosts floating along, but the most gorgeous, in my opinion have to be the [sea nettles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysaora), with their long, ribbon-like tendrils. ![jellyfish](/img/emoji/jellyfish.gif) +[moon jellyfish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurelia_aurita) (*aurelia aurita*), are beautiful but small, and have a cute quality, as do [egg yolk jellyfish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phacellophora) (*phacellophora*). larger jellies like [cyanea lamarckii](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_jellyfish) or [cyanea nozakii](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanea_nozaki) can look like ghosts floating along, but the most gorgeous, in my opinion have to be the [sea nettles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysaora), with their long, ribbon-like tendrils. {% emoji jellyfish %} sorry this one was a bit rambly x3 until next time! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-11-13-idiots-guide-to-skincare.md b/_posts/2024-11-13-idiots-guide-to-skincare.md index 3126dd8..90b054d 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-11-13-idiots-guide-to-skincare.md +++ b/_posts/2024-11-13-idiots-guide-to-skincare.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ I remember as I was there, one of the girls who was massaging some product or an After all, my skin very frequently was shiny and wet to the touch after a long day of working, and my bangs were constantly greasy even the morning after I'd showered. She had to be mistaken. I informed her as much, and she explained to me that dry, dehydrated skin frequently overproduces oil as a reaction to skin being dry in an attempt to moisturize it. That sounded like a product pitch to me, so I wrote it off, but scrawled that information down in the corner of my mind. -I had been using the same skincare regimen my mom had put me on when I was a teenager and had acne - salicylic acid gel to spot treat, and noxzema to wash (like I assumed most teenagers used back then - this was the 90's). by the early 2000's, when I started my ![sparkles](/img/emoji/sparkle.gif)skincare journey![sparkles](/img/emoji/sparkle.gif), my cleanser had changed a few times to whatever really struck my fancy at the drugstore. I'd used [Clean & Clear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_%26_Clear) and [Biore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kao_Corporation#Brand_ownership) before, in addition to [St. Ives](https://www.stives.com/product-category/face-scrubs) (their apricot kernel scrub was *the* thing in the late 90's/early 00's, little did I know at that time it was shredding my poor skin with its crushed apricot kernels ;w;) and [Neutrogena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrogena) products. Basically whatever smelled nice or had packaging that appealed to me and was affordable enough. It's skin - it can't be *that* complicated, right? +I had been using the same skincare regimen my mom had put me on when I was a teenager and had acne - salicylic acid gel to spot treat, and noxzema to wash (like I assumed most teenagers used back then - this was the 90's). by the early 2000's, when I started my {% emoji sparkle %}skincare journey{% emoji sparkle %}, my cleanser had changed a few times to whatever really struck my fancy at the drugstore. I'd used [Clean & Clear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_%26_Clear) and [Biore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kao_Corporation#Brand_ownership) before, in addition to [St. Ives](https://www.stives.com/product-category/face-scrubs) (their apricot kernel scrub was *the* thing in the late 90's/early 00's, little did I know at that time it was shredding my poor skin with its crushed apricot kernels ;w;) and [Neutrogena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrogena) products. Basically whatever smelled nice or had packaging that appealed to me and was affordable enough. It's skin - it can't be *that* complicated, right? Well, yes and no...allow me to explain. Most skincare products are soaps or other detergents or surfactants that are too basic (as in pH, so, opposite of acidic) for your skin and irritate it. We associate that "squeaky-clean" feeling with cleanliness and assume everything is fine, but we're actually depleting our skin's moisture barrier. Why is that important? @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ If any area was oily, but not all of them, then that indicates combination skin Now, let's study our skin in the mirror. Do you notice any redness? uneven tone? are parts of your face, like your cheeks, more flushed naturally than others? these things can indicate sensitivity, so if you notice anything like that, keep it in mind. -finally, if you have any fine lines or wrinkles you're worried about, take note of that as well. My personal philosophy on fine lines and wrinkles are that they are the signs of a life well-lived, but I am aware that society still places unreasonable expectations on everyone's (especially people who read as feminine's) appearances, and if you choose to address these things then I don't fault or judge you. Do what you must to be happy with yourself! ![hearts](/img/emoji/heart.gif) +finally, if you have any fine lines or wrinkles you're worried about, take note of that as well. My personal philosophy on fine lines and wrinkles are that they are the signs of a life well-lived, but I am aware that society still places unreasonable expectations on everyone's (especially people who read as feminine's) appearances, and if you choose to address these things then I don't fault or judge you. Do what you must to be happy with yourself! {% emoji heart %} ## now what? now that you know your skin type, you can try and choose products and experiment with them to see what works for you. everyone's skin is different, so it might be that not everything labeled as being for your skin type works for you. my advice is to start cheap and work your way up as you figure out what works for you. diff --git a/_posts/2024-11-24-a-look-ahead.md b/_posts/2024-11-24-a-look-ahead.md index 113534f..626a9a0 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-11-24-a-look-ahead.md +++ b/_posts/2024-11-24-a-look-ahead.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: girlblogging therapy show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -![now playing](/img/emoji/music.gif) *now playing - [カノン](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nokeHnFrB4) by #ババババンビ* ![catto jam](/img/emoji/catjammin.gif) +{% emoji music %} *now playing - [カノン](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nokeHnFrB4) by #ババババンビ* {% emoji catjam %} ah frick it's that time of the week again, isn't it! weekly blog time... diff --git a/_posts/2024-12-15-the-right-to-be-forgotten.md b/_posts/2024-12-15-the-right-to-be-forgotten.md index ed63187..6c17e0a 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-12-15-the-right-to-be-forgotten.md +++ b/_posts/2024-12-15-the-right-to-be-forgotten.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: girlblogging journaling show_blog_footer: true collection: blog --- -this week I had something interesting happen to me: i was thinking about the old website I used to run when I was a kid, and I found my way to the [wayback machine](https://webcf.waybackmachine.org/) and found an indexed (albeit poorly - none of the graphics survived, nor did most of the pages, just a few index pages and a bio or two) version of my ancient (circa 2001) website...thankfully, I can't remember any of the other urls I had over the years, or else I might've cringed myself to death ![lol](/img/emoji/ono.gif) +this week I had something interesting happen to me: i was thinking about the old website I used to run when I was a kid, and I found my way to the [wayback machine](https://webcf.waybackmachine.org/) and found an indexed (albeit poorly - none of the graphics survived, nor did most of the pages, just a few index pages and a bio or two) version of my ancient (circa 2001) website...thankfully, I can't remember any of the other urls I had over the years, or else I might've cringed myself to death {% emoji ono %} but happening upon this got me thinking about the privilege that those of us who grew up on the early web have compared to younger people who have grown up with high-speed, mostly unfettered internet access...the crumbs of my old online presence are still there, but blissfully scant, which is not something I can say for this and coming generations. @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ on the one hand, it would be interesting to have that site in its entirety to pe in that same vein, i think too many people have written fearmongering pieces about the inability to be forgotten online or the "right to be forgotten." there's plenty of concerns, from your boss finding your smutty fanfiction profile from when you were 12, to having said problematic things when you were a child and didn't know any better, etc. and ultimately, I don't think those things are necessarily something you should have to be responsible for? people have a right to privacy, and I think if the statute of limitation on arson is six years (in the usa anyway, or so I've heard), then you shouldn't be held accountable for anything you have said that was more than six years ago...people change over time (obviously this changes entirely if you're still saying the same slurs six years later, it proves you've learned nothing) and if one cannot be tried in court for a crime of such age, then maybe that should also apply to the court of public opinion. -one thing I wish I *did* have from that time period are my old journals I kept growing up, even if it would be painful to go over them now. honestly, I think just knowing I have an archive going back that far might feel nice, which has just been manifesting itself as my return to journaling...the desire to archive my life, even if it's not for anyone else's consumption, perhaps even my own...it just feels nice knowing that it exists, honestly. ![hehe](/img/emoji/vwv.gif) \ No newline at end of file +one thing I wish I *did* have from that time period are my old journals I kept growing up, even if it would be painful to go over them now. honestly, I think just knowing I have an archive going back that far might feel nice, which has just been manifesting itself as my return to journaling...the desire to archive my life, even if it's not for anyone else's consumption, perhaps even my own...it just feels nice knowing that it exists, honestly. {% emoji vwv %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2024-12-28-yume-nikki.md b/_posts/2024-12-28-yume-nikki.md index ee48c15..a1a33f1 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-12-28-yume-nikki.md +++ b/_posts/2024-12-28-yume-nikki.md @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ The game seems at first, very limited, as you are unable to leave Madotsuki's ro Ostensibly, the 'goal' of the game is to obtain 24 'effects,' which can be placed in the nexus, the room outside of Madotsuki's room that you can only enter in her dreams, as eggs. Most of these 'effects' serve no purpose and are primarily cosmetic, but a couple of them are used for gaining access to other dream worlds. Once the 24 effects have been obtained and deposited in the nexus outside of madotsuki's room in her dreams, the ending of the game can be viewed. -I won't go into detail or spoil the ending in case you are interested and want to try the game for yourself (which is available in English at [Uboachan](https://uboachan.net/), by clicking on the left panel where it says 'Download Links,' or for free on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/650700/Yume_Nikki/)), but this game was so surreal and strange to me that it left me absolutely transfixed and obsessed by the time I had experienced it in full. It's definitely worth your time if you're interested in surreal art like I am...![cheeks](/img/emoji/cheeks.gif) +I won't go into detail or spoil the ending in case you are interested and want to try the game for yourself (which is available in English at [Uboachan](https://uboachan.net/), by clicking on the left panel where it says 'Download Links,' or for free on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/650700/Yume_Nikki/)), but this game was so surreal and strange to me that it left me absolutely transfixed and obsessed by the time I had experienced it in full. It's definitely worth your time if you're interested in surreal art like I am...{% emoji cheeks %} -It's worth noting that there is an additional 'remake' of Yume Nikki in 3D, called 'YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY-' (available on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/774811/YUMENIKKI_DREAM_DIARY/)), though it is worth noting that it was developed without Kikiyama and therefore contains some differences. If you play through the original and enjoy it, then the 3D remake is a love letter (in my opinion) and worth experiencing, but I definitely wouldn't play the 3D remake first, since I am a purist and it is my opinion that you should experience the game as it was intended first, then play any fangames or remakes. ![ehe](/img/emoji/eheheoops.gif) +It's worth noting that there is an additional 'remake' of Yume Nikki in 3D, called 'YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY-' (available on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/774811/YUMENIKKI_DREAM_DIARY/)), though it is worth noting that it was developed without Kikiyama and therefore contains some differences. If you play through the original and enjoy it, then the 3D remake is a love letter (in my opinion) and worth experiencing, but I definitely wouldn't play the 3D remake first, since I am a purist and it is my opinion that you should experience the game as it was intended first, then play any fangames or remakes. {% emoji :3c %} Speaking of fangames, if you end up enjoying Yume Nikki, it has a *ton* of fangames, detailed in the [Yume Wiki](https://yume.wiki/Main_Page). Some of the more popular ones you may have heard of include: [Yume 2kki](https://yume.wiki/2kki/Yume_2kki_Wiki) (the very first yume nikki fangame), [.flow](https://yume.wiki/flow/Dotflow_Wiki) (pronounced 'dot flow'), [Ultra Violet](https://yume.wiki/ultraviolet/Ultra_Violet_Wiki), and the recently-developed online fangame called [Collective Unconscious](https://ynoproject.net/unconscious/), which is multiplayer. Fangames are not the only things the original Yume Nikki game have inspired, there are plenty of popular modern indie games that have seen inspiration from it, among them the first game in the [LISA](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2743030/LISA_The_First/) series (you may be more familiar with its sequel, [LISA: the Painful](https://store.steampowered.com/app/335670/LISA_The_Painful/)), [Doki Doki Literature Club!](https://ddlc.moe/) and even toby fox's [Undertale](https://undertale.com/). -I hope that this propaganda piece has inspired you to give the original Yume Nikki game a try, as it is one of my favorite games of all time and is very near and dear to my heart! ![cute yay](/img/emoji/cuteyay.gif) Happy gaming~! \ No newline at end of file +I hope that this propaganda piece has inspired you to give the original Yume Nikki game a try, as it is one of my favorite games of all time and is very near and dear to my heart! {% emoji xD %} Happy gaming~! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2025-01-06-nyquestions.md b/_posts/2025-01-06-nyquestions.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f0f3d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/_posts/2025-01-06-nyquestions.md @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +--- +layout: 2col +title: "lazy new year's questionnaire" +date: 2025-01-06 +tags: girlblogging +show_blog_footer: true +--- +hello and happy new year to you, the readers on the worldwide web! I have been quite busy with the end of 2024 and with getting back into the swing of things with the start of 2025! + +I have some things planned for this blog, but it didn't feel right to just publish something without acknowledging the new year, and since it's a lazy time of year for everyone (I think? I hope!), I figured I'd do another [questionnaire]({% link _posts/2024-09-12-retrospring.md %})~! this one is from [clam hanson](https://burypink.neocities.org/gifts) (but I saw it first on [elysia](https://le.alphamethyl.barr0w.net/~elysia/)'s website). + +anyway, without further ado, let's get into it! + +1. time and date u started this?\ +2025-01-04 08:19pm CST, or [tenpo seli 2:20](https://tilde.town/~dozens/tenpoko/) + +2. asl?\ +adult/fem-adjacent/usa + +3. opinions on musicals?\ +i love musicals!!! my favorite is [moulin rouge!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moulin_Rouge!_(musical)) + +4. favorite snack?\ +[these](https://nongshimusa.com/product-detail?pid=56) little bitches are **soooo** good. + +5. have u ever been in love?\ +yes! + +6. favorite pokemon?\ +this is hard bc i love so many of them but it comes down to either [sylveon](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sylveon_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), [milotic](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Milotic_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), [snom](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Snom_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), [espurr](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Espurr_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), or [skitty](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Skitty_(Pok%C3%A9mon)). please don't make me choose between my idiot son and his friends...*aaaaaaaaa* ok if I have to say one, I'll say snom ig. {% emoji cry %} + +7. mario kart main?\ +princess peach, always. + +8. tf2 main?\ +i think I played tf2 once ever and I don't remember who I played as ngl. + +9. do you laugh at youtube poops?\ +[no](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVBEqVuF60I) (this is a lie, I absolutely do.) + +10. are you listening to music right now?\ +[yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLpf7mE7EoY)! (i'm at 21:59) + +11. favorite shape?\ +round. + +12. do you believe in astrology?\ +ok so logically? yeah I know it's not real. that's silly. but like...wouldn't it be ***way*** *more* ***interesting*** if it was??? + +13. do you believe in the occult?\ +same answer as above. no, but wouldn't it be *neat*? + +14. opinions on vocaloid?\ +epsi will be mad if I say I don't love miku, which...good news! I *actually do* love miku! that being said, vocaloid is very cool software, and I think utauloids/self-made -oids are very neat! I would love to make one one day. {% emoji blush %} + +15. would you ever want to be a rockstar?\ +being famous seems really annoying, so no. + +16. do you easily get stressed?\ +{% emoji saddance %}💦 yeah... + +17. what is/was your favorite class in high school?\ +english! and foreign languages. anything where I got to write, really! {% emoji ^u^ %} + +18. what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol\ +fairy & ghost + +19. rei or asuka?\ +i like them both but if i have to choose, I choose asuka. + +20. favorite html tag?\ +`