- **24/09/13**: new layout, new [stardew valley](/games/sdv) page, new [blog post](/blog/retrospring); added [links](/links), updated basically the entire site.
- **24/08/09**: new [blog post](/blog/sixth/)!
- **24/07/22**: updated [about](/about/) and added a new [blog post](/blog/fifth/).
- **24/05/22**: added a [now](../now) page. what's a [now page](https://nownownow.com/about)? also added some more [egglish](../blog/egglish/) terms, changed the way the link menu is displayed, and minor edits to [about](../about).
- **24/05/11**: new [blog post](../blog/egglish/), minor changes to [about](../about/) page, added new [quiz](../quiz/) results
- **24/03/27**: added new art to the [fridge](../fridge/) from [Lian](https://transfem.social/@LianSirenia)!; restructured the old art page and called it the fridge >w<tellmeit'snotcute:youcan't.
- **24/03/13**: added [second blog post](../blog/second/)
- **24/03/11**: added [fanart & creations](../fridge/), added more to [picrews](../picrew)
- **24/03/06**: added [first blog post](../blog/first/), removed under construction graphic