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2025-01-06 12:22:24 -06:00
layout: 2col
title: "lazy new year's questionnaire"
date: 2025-01-06
tags: girlblogging
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hello and happy new year to you, the readers on the worldwide web! I have been quite busy with the end of 2024 and with getting back into the swing of things with the start of 2025!
I have some things planned for this blog, but it didn't feel right to just publish something without acknowledging the new year, and since it's a lazy time of year for everyone (I think? I hope!), I figured I'd do another [questionnaire]({% link _posts/2024-09-12-retrospring.md %})~! this one is from [clam hanson](https://burypink.neocities.org/gifts) (but I saw it first on [elysia](https://le.alphamethyl.barr0w.net/~elysia/)'s website).
anyway, without further ado, let's get into it!
1. time and date u started this?\
2025-01-04 08:19pm CST, or [tenpo seli 2:20](https://tilde.town/~dozens/tenpoko/)
2. asl?\
3. opinions on musicals?\
i love musicals!!! my favorite is [moulin rouge!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moulin_Rouge!_(musical))
4. favorite snack?\
[these](https://nongshimusa.com/product-detail?pid=56) little bitches are **soooo** good.
5. have u ever been in love?\
6. favorite pokemon?\
this is hard bc i love so many of them but it comes down to either [sylveon](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sylveon_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), [milotic](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Milotic_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), [snom](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Snom_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), [espurr](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Espurr_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), or [skitty](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Skitty_(Pok%C3%A9mon)). please don't make me choose between my idiot son and his friends...*aaaaaaaaa* ok if I have to say one, I'll say snom ig. {% emoji cry %}
7. mario kart main?\
princess peach, always.
8. tf2 main?\
i think I played tf2 once ever and I don't remember who I played as ngl.
9. do you laugh at youtube poops?\
[no](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVBEqVuF60I) <small>(this is a lie, I absolutely do.)</small>
10. are you listening to music right now?\
[yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLpf7mE7EoY)! (i'm at 21:59)
11. favorite shape?\
12. do you believe in astrology?\
ok so logically? yeah I know it's not real. that's silly. but like...wouldn't it be ***way*** *more* ***interesting*** if it was???
13. do you believe in the occult?\
same answer as above. no, but wouldn't it be *neat*?
14. opinions on vocaloid?\
epsi will be mad if I say I don't love miku, which...good news! I *actually do* love miku! that being said, vocaloid is very cool software, and I think utauloids/self-made -oids are very neat! I would love to make one one day. {% emoji blush %}
15. would you ever want to be a rockstar?\
being famous seems really annoying, so no.
16. do you easily get stressed?\
{% emoji saddance %}💦 yeah...
17. what is/was your favorite class in high school?\
english! and foreign languages. anything where I got to write, really! {% emoji ^u^ %}
18. what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol\
fairy & ghost
19. rei or asuka?\
i like them both but if i have to choose, I choose asuka.
20. favorite html tag?\
21. are you religious\
22. opinions on nightcore?\
nightcore slaps and I will die on this hill. rockefeller street goes hard as fuck and if you disagree you're lying to yourself.
23. did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)\
yes, I have been a teenager before (I was a goth and a weeb, and had a brief 'hippie' phase too ig before I was old enough to know what drugs were, I just really liked all the anti-war stuff from the 60's).
24. are you good at drawing?\
[debatable]({% link _pages/rkgk.md %})
25. do you crack your joints?\
bestie, my joints crack me 😎 (yes, they do it on their own and have since I was in middle school).
26. do you read visual novels?\
hell yeah I do!! readin [steins;gate](https://store.steampowered.com/app/412830/STEINSGATE/) lately.
27. can you sew?\
yes!! I have sewn my own clothes before and make repairs to our garments regularly.
28. can you cook?\
i used to cook professionally.
29. most expensive thing you've bought?\
a bed for ~$5000 (too much) in 2015? I think?
30. opinions on cosplay?\
based. people making stuff that inspires them/makes them feel cool/good is awesome.
31. what's your most hated band/musician?\
honestly? most bands/musicians I don't like I don't even think about, but I guess [Oomori Seiko](https://thissidejapan.substack.com/p/on-audio-leak-zoc) (cw: harassment), because she's a musician I really admired and respected, and whose songs moved me tremendously. but when the news came out about her [power harassment](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/121416625.html) of one of the members of zoc (the idol group she headed), I listened to the recording and I haven't been able to forgive her. I don't care how good her art was or how much I liked it, I just can't bring myself to listen to those songs anymore.
32. are you a dramatic person?\
this is lowkey kind of a trigger for me, bc my parents always said I was. I don't think I'm dramatic.
33. what emoticon do you use most?\
prolly >ω<, ;ω;, or ^u^
34. can a miracle certainly occur?\
just this once, as a treat.
35. would you let a vampire suck ur blood?\
depends. would this make me a vampire? if yes, then yes. if no, then that's my blood I need it.
36. do you have a celebrity crush?\
i don't know any celebrities, and as a [demi](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Demisexual) person, I can't see myself wanting to become romantically (or otherwise) involved with one.
37. do you like snow?\
snow is goated, it's *sooo* pretty! {% emoji yayay %}
38. were you really into greek mythology as a kid?\
YEAH. I like the myth of [Hades & Persephone](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/22381/22381-h/22381-h.htm#NtA_24) the most. I'm also partial to Athena, Selene, and Artemis.
39. what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?\
japanese idols? and probably yume nikki. maybe touhou? idk. i'm sure there's some other subject I could that's just escaping my mind atm.
40. are you good at spelling?\
ya, i was in the spelling bee am gud at spellings.
41. which touhou wud u fuk?\
idk ig [Yuuka](https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Yuuka_Kazami)? she seems experienced. {% emoji uwucat %}
42. do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?\
it's way more likely that the rich will use robots to exterminate the rest of us let's be honest with ourselves.
not far enough. the catgirl estrogen isn't real (*yet*). {% emoji waggy %}
44. would you be an angel or devil?\
i can b ur angle or ur debiwl. um, I'd be an angel. I'm too nice to be a devil, plus their wings aren't as cute. {% emoji ahaha %}
45. sine, cosine, or tangent?\
tangent bc I do be breaking off into them on the reg.
46. do you like licorice?\
[salmiakki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salty_liquorice) is my big favorite.
47. whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?\
{% emoji ree %} fskdjking...[shounen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sh%C5%8Dnen_manga#Sh%C5%8Dnen) anime & manga!!! {% emoji upsetti %}
48. what books did you like as a kid?\
I loved [A Wrinkle in Time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Wrinkle_in_Time) by Madeline L'Engle and The Ancient One by [T.A. Barron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._A._Barron), along with [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice%27s_Adventures_in_Wonderland).
49. can you play any instruments?\
make sound on? yes. *play*? as in like, play *well*? no. (piano, guitar, ukelele, glockenspiel, violin)
50. what song would you want to play at your wedding?\
I am already married {% emoji uwa %} and we did not have a wedding. I don't know that I'd *ever* want to have a wedding, so I can't really think of a song I'd want played at it. {% emoji nwnwub %}
51. do you believe in reincarnation?\
52. finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ...
...loves bein silly!
53. have you been to another continent?\
54. whats your worst habit?\
denying my own needs to be there for/please other people. ig not putting myself first.
55. favorite vegetable?\
do mushrooms count as vegetables? if they don't, then prolly [gai lan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gai_lan) or baby [pak choi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bok_choy).
56. whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?\
[this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sEZmMeH96Q&pp=ygUmdGhlIG5ldmVyZW5kaW5nIHN0b3J5IHNjYXJ5IHdvbGYgc2NlbmU%3D) from the neverending story (1984). specifically that fucking *wolf* scared the *shit* out of me as a kid.
57. whats one of your guilty pleasures?\
trashy reality tv, specifically shows in the vein of [rupaul's drag race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RuPaul's_Drag_Race).
58. would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?\
vampire; i need to be able to interact with the corporeal world to be able to read every book ever written.
59. what do you fear most?\
{% emoji qwq %} s...spooders.
60. do you sleep with any plushies?\
i rotate among many of my plush homies. lately, it's been between rosahaj and panda-san.
61. what hobby do you just not understand?\
guys who have podcasts...like, just regular dudes. talking about whatever. they're not famous, the podcast isn't *about* anything, it's just some guys hanging out. no hate, just don't get it.
62. do you like the taste of alcohol?\
naur it burns.
63. are you a hopeless romantic?\
naur am very hopeful.
64. which deadly sin best fits you?\
sloth 🦥 {% emoji omg %}
65. which of your physical features do you like the most?\
my {% emoji sparkle %}hair{% emoji sparkle %} {% emoji aww %}
66. are your ears pierced?\
ya, got them done at a [claire's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire's) for my fifth birthday.
67. have you ever been in a physical fight?\
my brother and I used to fight a lot growing up.
68. where do you buy your clothes?\
mostly [hot topic](https://www.hottopic.com/), or I sew them myself!
69. where would you live if you could live anywhere?\
somewhere just outside of tokyo, japan, or near my homie in the southeastern part of france {% emoji x3 %}
70. do believe in magic? or is it all a trick?\
it's honestly so dumb that magic isn't real.
71. have you read umineko when they cry? you should!\
it is on my list! i watched about half of the anime and was like "I definitely feel like I'm getting a shittier version of this, I should just read the novel."
72. what is the worst chore to do?\
taking out the trash icky.
73. what did your parents almost name you?\
believe it or not? daphne.
74. what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?\
hmmm...idk, maybe Lilith? or maybe smth more neutral, like
75. what were your first words?\
no fuckin idea tbh.
76. what do you want your last words to be?\
"I love you."
77. when did you first regularly start going online?\
1996-1997 somewhere during that time.
78. what year do you miss the most?\
2006 or maybe 2008.
79. are you psychic?\
it'd be so much easier if I was smh.
80. would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself.\
maybe, just to see what it was like? but it'd probably be too weird; I don't think I could do it. {% emoji owo; %}
81. what do you use to listen to music?\
I was using [strawberry player](https://strawberrymusicplayer.org/) but it suddenly stopped working, so right now I'm using [1by1](https://mpesch3.de/1by1.html), or [VLC](https://www.videolan.org/vlc/) when I want to scrobble to libre.fm or last.fm.
82. whats the biggest city you've been to?\
San Francisco, California
83. favorite animal?\
[Choloepus hoffmanni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoffmann%27s_two-toed_sloth) (it's a type of sloth.)
84. what web browser do you use?\
for now, [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/).
85. are you allergic to kitty cats???????????\
86. do you like energy drinks?\
the only energy drink I need is *cofe*. {% emoji cofe %}
87. would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc?\
I don't spend money on gacha pulls, I have not ever spent money on gacha pulls. If I wanted to do that I wouldn't go out and do that because I am what? SENSIBLE. I would NEVER spend money on gacha pulls because I am NOT 👏🏻 THAT 👏🏻 KIND 👏🏻 OF 👏🏻 GIRL 👏🏻!!
88. when do you usually go to bed?\
10pm during the week, and 11pm on the weekends. (or tenpo seli/fire 4 & 5 in [tenpo ko](https://tilde.town/~dozens/tenpoko/))
89. how often do you wash your hair?\
at least once a week, but I prefer to do it twice a week. any more than that and it ends up feeling very dry {% emoji pout %}
90. would you download a car?\
hell fucking yeah I would!
91. what was your favorite show as a kid?\
either [Rainbow Brite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_Brite_(1984_TV_series)) (1984) or [She-Ra: Princess of Power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/She-Ra%3A_Princess_of_Power) (1985).
92. whats the silliest hat you own?\
pink bunny-eared polar fleece hat.
93. what album/song do you're feeling angsty\
I'm gonna assume this is "what do you *listen to when* you're feeling angsty." honestly either stuff like [BiSH](https://youtu.be/mDYoE4pvM1E?si=eyOGqUREPHvGPAMZ), [Zenkimi.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esvI6SAfwhA), or [Belle and Sebastian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCYphHhF4Mo).
94. do you make OCs?\
not usually.
95. whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?\
probably either stims or singing to myself? I don't really know how to answer this. {% emoji >u< %}
96. do you like fireworks?\
if I can see them, I really like watching them! but if I'm in my house and I get startled by some going off, I'm not a fan. {% emoji cutepout %}
97. favorite painter?\
[rené magritte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_Magritte)
98. favorite numbers?\
7 and 23.
99. what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)\
honestly, RPGs, simulation games, and danmaku ig?
100. time and date you finished this?\
2025-01-06 08:39am CST, or [tenpo telo 2:41](https://tilde.town/~dozens/tenpoko/).