KitsuDev Abuse Policies

All members are expected to abide by KitsuCore.

There are 4 groups we will refer to in this agreement:

User Complaints

Users & Guests may file a user complaint against a repository or user - for instance, if a repository contains malicious software, or violates KitsuCore. This includes content deemed transphobic, homophobic, or otherwise racist. Hate has no place on KitsuDev.

To file a complaint, please email

Legal Complaints

Law Enforcement may file a subpoena or other legal enforcement measure with 10Tails, Kitsudev's parent.
Your email must come from a law-enforcing email.

Please expect your emails to be made public for transparency. Personal Information will be redacted.

email with documents and credentials.
All other emails to this inbox will be ignored.

Copyright (DMCA) Complaints

Bearers of Copyright may file a DMCA complaint with 10Tails, KitsuDev's Parent.


All complaints must: email to file your DMCA request.