A fork of the
crate that's Sync (failed experiment)
src | ||
.gitignore | ||
.rustfmt.toml | ||
Cargo.lock | ||
Cargo.toml | ||
An efficient website icon scraper for rust or command line usage.
- Super fast!
- Partially downloads images to find the sizes
- Can extract a site logo
using a weighing system - Works with inline-data URIs (and automatically converts
to them) - Supports WASM (and cloudflare workers)
Command line usage
cargo install site_icons
site-icons https://github.com
# https://github.githubassets.com/favicons/favicon.svg site_favicon svg
# https://github.githubassets.com/app-icon-512.png app_icon png 512x512
# https://github.githubassets.com/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png app_icon png 180x180
# ...
site-icons https://github.com --json
"url": "",
"headers": {},
"kind": "site_logo",
"type": "svg",
"size": null
"url": "https://reactjs.org/icons/icon-512x512.png?v=f4d46f030265b4c48a05c999b8d93791",
"headers": {},
"kind": "app_icon",
"type": "png",
"size": "512x512"
"url": "https://reactjs.org/favicon.ico",
"headers": {},
"kind": "site_favicon",
"type": "ico",
"sizes": ["64x64", "32x32", "24x24", "16x16"]
"url": "https://reactjs.org/favicon-32x32.png?v=f4d46f030265b4c48a05c999b8d93791",
"headers": {},
"kind": "site_favicon",
"type": "png",
"size": "32x32"
Rust usage
use site_icons::SiteIcons;
let mut icons = SiteIcons::new();
// scrape the icons from a url
let entries = icons.load_website("https://github.com", false).await?;
// entries are sorted from highest to lowest resolution
for icon in entries {
println!("{:?}", icon)
- HTML favicon tag (or looking for default
) - Web app manifest
field <img>
tags on the page, directly inside the header OR with asrc|alt|class
containing the text "logo"
Running locally
git clone https://github.com/samdenty/site_icons
cd site_icons
cargo run https://github.com