use crate::{utils::encode_svg, Icon, IconInfo, IconKind, CLIENT}; use future::join_all; use futures::StreamExt; use futures::{prelude::*, task::noop_waker}; use html5ever::{ driver, tendril::{Tendril, TendrilSink}, }; use reqwest::{header::*, IntoUrl}; use scraper::{ElementRef, Html}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::task::Poll; use std::{collections::HashMap, error::Error, pin::Pin, task::Context}; use url::Url; pub struct Icons { blacklist: Option bool>>, entries: Vec, pending_entries: HashMap< Url, ( IconKind, HashMap, Pin>>>>, ), >, } fn add_icon_entry( entries: &mut Vec, url: Url, headers: HashMap, kind: IconKind, info: Result>, ) { match info { Ok(info) => entries.push(Icon { url, headers, kind, info, }), Err(_) => warn_err!(info, "failed to parse icon"), } } impl Icons { pub fn new() -> Self { Icons { blacklist: None, entries: Vec::new(), pending_entries: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn new_with_blacklist(blacklist: impl Fn(&Url) -> bool + 'static) -> Self { Icons { blacklist: Some(Box::new(blacklist)), entries: Vec::new(), pending_entries: HashMap::new(), } } /// Add an icon URL and start fetching it pub fn add_icon(&mut self, url: Url, kind: IconKind, sizes: Option) { self.add_icon_with_headers(url, HashMap::new(), kind, sizes) } /// Add an icon URL and start fetching it, /// along with the specified headers pub fn add_icon_with_headers( &mut self, url: Url, headers: HashMap, kind: IconKind, sizes: Option, ) { // check to see if it already exists let mut entries = self.entries.iter_mut(); if let Some(existing_kind) = self .pending_entries .get_mut(&url) .map(|(kind, _, _)| kind) .or_else(|| { entries.find_map(|icon| { if icon.url.eq(&url) { Some(&mut icon.kind) } else { None } }) }) { // if the kind is more important, replace it if &kind > existing_kind { *existing_kind = kind; } return; } let mut info = Box::pin(IconInfo::load( url.clone(), (&headers).try_into().unwrap(), sizes, )); // Start fetching the icon let noop_waker = noop_waker(); let cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&noop_waker); match info.poll_unpin(cx) { Poll::Ready(info) => add_icon_entry(&mut self.entries, url, headers, kind, info), Poll::Pending => { self.pending_entries.insert(url, (kind, headers, info)); } }; } pub async fn load_website(&mut self, url: U) -> Result<(), Box> { let res = CLIENT .get(url) .header(ACCEPT, "text/html") .send() .await? .error_for_status()?; let url = res.url().clone(); if let Some(is_blacklisted) = &self.blacklist { if is_blacklisted(&url) { return Ok(()); } } let mut body = res.bytes_stream(); let mut parser = driver::parse_document(Html::new_document(), Default::default()); while let Some(data) = { if let Ok(data) = Tendril::try_from_byte_slice(&data?) { parser.process(data) } } let document = parser.finish(); { let mut found_favicon = false; for elem_ref in!( "link[rel='icon']", "link[rel='shortcut icon']", "link[rel='apple-touch-icon']", "link[rel='apple-touch-icon-precomposed']" )) { let elem = elem_ref.value(); if let Some(href) = elem.attr("href").and_then(|href| url.join(&href).ok()) { let rel = elem.attr("rel").unwrap(); self.add_icon( href, if rel.contains("apple-touch-icon") { IconKind::AppIcon } else { IconKind::SiteFavicon }, elem.attr("sizes").map(|sizes| sizes.into()), ); found_favicon = true; }; } // Check for default favicon.ico if !found_favicon { self.add_icon( url.join("/favicon.ico").unwrap(), IconKind::SiteFavicon, None, ); } } { let mut logos: Vec<_> = document .select(selector!( "a[href='/'] img, a[href='/'] svg", "header img, header svg", "img[src*=logo]", "img[alt*=logo], svg[alt*=logo]", "img[class*=logo], svg[class*=logo]", )) .map(|elem_ref| { let elem = elem_ref.value(); let mut weight = 0; // if in the header if elem_ref .ancestors() .map(ElementRef::wrap) .flatten() .any(|element| element.value().name() == "header") { weight += 2; } let mentions_logo = |attr_name| { elem .attr(attr_name) .map(|attr| regex!("logo([^s]|$)").is_match(&attr.to_lowercase())) .unwrap_or(false) }; if mentions_logo("class") || mentions_logo("id") { weight += 3; } if mentions_logo("alt") { weight += 2; } if mentions_logo("src") { weight += 1; } (elem_ref, weight) }) .collect(); logos.sort_by(|(_, a_weight), (_, b_weight)| b_weight.cmp(a_weight)); // prefer over svg let mut prev_weight = None; for (i, (logo, weight)) in logos.iter().enumerate() { if let Some(prev_weight) = prev_weight { if weight != prev_weight { break; } } prev_weight = Some(weight); if logo.value().name() == "img" { let (logo, weight) = logos.remove(i); logos.insert(0, (logo, weight + 1)); break; } } for (elem_ref, _) in logos { let elem = elem_ref.value(); if == "svg" { let data_uri = Url::parse(&encode_svg(&elem_ref.html())).unwrap(); self.add_icon(data_uri, IconKind::SiteLogo, None); break; } if let Some(href) = elem_ref .value() .attr("src") .and_then(|href| url.join(&href).ok()) { self.add_icon(href, IconKind::SiteLogo, None); break; }; } } for elem_ref in!("link[rel='manifest']")) { if let Some(href) = elem_ref .value() .attr("href") .and_then(|href| url.join(&href).ok()) { warn_err!(self.load_manifest(href).await, "failed to fetch manifest"); } } Ok(()) } pub async fn load_manifest(&mut self, manifest_url: Url) -> Result<(), Box> { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct ManifestIcon { src: String, sizes: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Manifest { icons: Option>, } let manifest: Manifest = CLIENT .get(manifest_url.as_str()) .send() .await? .json() .await?; if let Some(icons) = manifest.icons { for icon in icons { if let Ok(src) = manifest_url.join(&icon.src) { let _ = self.add_icon(src, IconKind::AppIcon, icon.sizes); } } } Ok(()) } /// Fetch all the icons. Ordered from highest to lowest resolution /// /// ``` /// # async fn run() { /// let icons = Icons::new(); /// icons.load_website("").await?; /// /// let entries = icons.entries().await; /// for icon in entries { /// println("{:?}", icon) /// } /// ``` pub async fn entries(mut self) -> Vec { let (urls, infos): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self .pending_entries .into_iter() .map(|(url, (kind, headers, info))| ((url, headers, kind), info)) .unzip(); let mut urls = urls.into_iter(); for info in join_all(infos).await { let (url, headers, kind) =; add_icon_entry(&mut self.entries, url, headers, kind, info); } self.entries.sort(); self.entries } }