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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/crossroad.css">
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Object.assign(globalThis, await import("/static/crossroad.mjs"));
getMainDialog().show(); // Don't show until the page is ready
<div class="flex-vcenter">
<dialog id="mainDialog" class="half-width half-height">
<header class="separator-bottom margin-large-bottom">
<div class="flex-row">
<p class="margin-auto-top">  By Nekomata</p>
<img src="/static/nekomata_small.png" alt="Nekomata Logo" class="logo" />
<div class="flex-row">
<center class="half-width">
You're about to go to <pre id="path"></pre>.<br />
<svg height="20px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.7.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2025 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M256 464a208 208 0 1 1 0-416 208 208 0 1 1 0 416zM256 0a256 256 0 1 0 0 512A256 256 0 1 0 256 0zM376.9 294.6c4.5-4.2 7.1-10.1 7.1-16.3c0-12.3-10-22.3-22.3-22.3L304 256l0-96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32l-32 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 96-57.7 0C138 256 128 266 128 278.3c0 6.2 2.6 12.1 7.1 16.3l107.1 99.9c3.8 3.5 8.7 5.5 13.8 5.5s10.1-2 13.8-5.5l107.1-99.9z"/></svg>
<p id="no-instance" class="hidden">You currently don't have any instances. You should add one!</p>
<form id="instanceSelectForm" class="align-start wfit-content"></form>
<button onclick="showAddInstanceDialog()">Add an instance</button>
<div class="half-width">
<div class="flex-hcenter">
<div class="flex-column buttonPanel">
<button id="redirect">Redirect</button>
<button id="redirectAlways">Redirect always</button>
<a href="/">Manage instances</a>
<dialog id="addInstance">
<h1>Add an instance</h1>
<form method="dialog" class="addInstanceForm">
<label for="instanceHost">Instance hostname or URL<br>
(for example <code>mastodon.social</code> or <code>https://kitsunes.club/</code>)<br>
<input id="instanceHost" type="text" name="instanceHost" />
<input id="autoQueryMetadata" type="checkbox" name="autoQueryMetadata" checked />
<label for="autoQueryMetadata">
<abbr title="This uses FeDirect's API to automatically try to detect instance metadata, such as the name, software, and an icon.
We do this on the backend to avoid CORS problems.
We do not track or save any requests or data.">
Automatically query metadata
<button type="submit">OK</button>
<button type="reset" class="close">Cancel</button>
<dialog id="instanceDetails">
<h1>Confirm instance details</h1>
<form method="dialog" class="instanceDetailsForm">
<div class="flex-row">
<div class="half-width">
<label for="instanceName">Instance name</label>
<input id="instanceName" type="text" name="instanceName" required />
<label for="instanceHost">Instance hostname</label>
<input id="instanceHost" type="text" name="instanceHost" required />
<input type="checkbox" name="instanceHostSecure" id="instanceHostSecure" checked />
<label for="instanceHostSecure">
<abbr title="Whether to use HTTPS (as opposed to HTTP).
Unchecking this is not recommended, and this option only exists for exceptional cases">
<label for="instanceSoftware">Instance software</label>
<select id="instanceSoftware" type="text" name="instanceSoftware" required>
<option value="">(Please select)</option>
<div class="half-width flex-row-reverse">
<div class="full-height flex-column-reverse">
<label for="iconContainer">Instance icon</label>
<div id="iconContainer" class="square iconContainer">
<!-- This data URI is for a transparent gif image -->
<img id="instanceIcon" alt="Icon for the selected instance" class="icon" />
<button type="submit">OK</button>
<button type="reset" class="close">Cancel</button>
</html> |