import { initializeAddInstanceFlow } from "./add_instance_flow.mjs"; import { findButtonOrFail, findDialogOrFail, findFormOrFail, findInputOrFail } from "./dom.mjs"; import knownSoftware from "./known_software.mjs"; import storageManager from "./storage_manager.mjs"; const radioButtonName = "instanceSelect"; export function getMainDialog(): HTMLDialogElement { return document.getElementById('mainDialog') as HTMLDialogElement; } const detailsDialog = findDialogOrFail(document.body, "#instanceDetails"); const addDialog = findDialogOrFail(document.body, "#addInstance"); const instanceSelectForm = findFormOrFail(document.body, "#instanceSelectForm"); const redirectButton = findButtonOrFail(document.body, "#redirect"); const redirectAlwaysButton = findButtonOrFail(document.body, "#redirectAlways"); export const { showAddInstanceDialog, hideAddInstanceDialog } = initializeAddInstanceFlow(detailsDialog, addDialog); function createInstanceSelectOptions() { instanceSelectForm.replaceChildren(); // Erase all child nodes for (const instance of { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("x-option", instance.origin); const radio = document.createElement("input"); = instance.origin; radio.value = instance.origin; radio.type = "radio"; = radioButtonName; const label = document.createElement("label"); label.htmlFor = instance.origin; label.innerText = + " "; if (instance.iconURL) { const img = new Image(); img.src = instance.iconURL; img.alt = `${} icon`; img.className = "inlineIcon"; label.append(img, " "); } const small = document.createElement("small"); const softwareName =[].name; small.innerText = `(${softwareName})`; label.appendChild(small); div.appendChild(radio); div.appendChild(label); instanceSelectForm.appendChild(div); } const firstInput = instanceSelectForm.querySelector("input"); if (firstInput) firstInput.checked = true; setRedirectButtonState(firstInput !== null); } createInstanceSelectOptions(); storageManager.addSaveCallback(createInstanceSelectOptions); function setRedirectButtonState(enabled: boolean) { redirectButton.disabled = !enabled; redirectAlwaysButton.disabled = !enabled; } export function getTargetSoftwareOrGroup(): string { const currentURL = URL.parse(location.href)!; const target = currentURL.pathname.match(/\/+([^\/]*)\/?/)?.[1]; if (target == null) throw new Error("Crossroad was served on an invalid path (likely a backend routing mistake)"); const softwareName = Object.entries([name, software]) => software.aliases.includes(target))?.[0]; if (softwareName) return softwareName; const groupName = Object.entries(knownSoftware.groups).find(([name, group]) => group.aliases.includes(target))?.[0]; if (groupName) return groupName; throw new Error("Could not identify target software or group"); } function getTargetPath(): string { const currentURL = URL.parse(location.href)!; return currentURL.pathname.replace(/\/+[^\/]*\/?/, "/"); } function getSelectedOption(): string | null { try { return findInputOrFail(instanceSelectForm, `input[name="${radioButtonName}"]:checked`).value; } catch { return null; } } function autoRedirect() { const targetSoftware = getTargetSoftwareOrGroup(); const preferredFor = => instance.preferredFor?.includes(targetSoftware)); if (preferredFor) redirect(preferredFor.origin); } autoRedirect(); function setAutoRedirect(option: string) { const instance = => e.origin === option); if (!instance) throw new Error("Invalid argument"); instance.preferredFor ??= []; instance.preferredFor.push(getTargetSoftwareOrGroup());; } redirectAlwaysButton.addEventListener("click", e => { // Can be assumed to not fail because the button is disabled if there are no options and the first one is selected by default const option = getSelectedOption()!; setAutoRedirect(option); redirect(option); }); function redirect(to: string) { const url = URL.parse(to); if (url === null) throw new Error("Couldn't parse destination"); url.pathname = getTargetPath(); location.href = url.toString(); } redirectButton.addEventListener("click", e => { // Can be assumed to not fail because the button is disabled if there are no options and the first one is selected by default redirect(getSelectedOption()!); });